Sense Sam and Cat become a big hit , victorious became less popular and the last episodes came out last year or early 2013 's .
Sense Sam and Cat become a big hit , victorious became less popular and the last episodes came out last year or early 2013 's .
Victorious ended long before Sam and Cat started!
Yep, there was 4 months of no iCarly, no Victorious and no Sam & Cat.
It was a real sad period ;)
Yes,it was but its over now!
Fortunately ;)
Technically,Sam and Cat is the sequel(besides iCarly)to Victorious.Since there was no season finale,all the members of Victorious are still going to Hollywood Arts,and there lives are continuing there. The only character's life that we still see is Cat.
No, that's not totally correct.
Sam & Cat is not a sequel to Victorious nor to iCarly, it is a spin-off that needs to be seen as a stand alone show which occassionly throws around references to the other two shows in order to attracts those fans.
The members are indeed still going to Hollywood Arts, but it's not known if they all still attend Hollywood Arts. Only Beck, Jade, Cat, Tori, André and Robbie are confirmed to attend the school as seen in #MommaGoomer. Trina, for example, could be graduated for all I know. Sikowitz is the only one of the staff to be confirmed as a staff member in Sam & Cat, all the others can possibly still work there, but could have found another job as well.
Cat is not the only character we still see, we also saw Jade, Robbie and Sikowitz in a guest appaerance and the backs of Jade, Robbie and the others in #MommaGoomer.