Hey. :) So, just recently I've discovered feature that can allow the members of this wikia to have the choice of adding music/a music playlist from youtube to any page (including userpages). The music can be put on autoplay or manual, and you can choose for it to be hidden as well, so no one will be able to see the player on the page. This is super cool and I think it would be a nice addition to the wiki.
It has to be done by editing MediaWiki pages, which can only be done by admins. It's really simple though.
Just put this code here:
This code here:
<div style="width: 202px; overflow: hidden; height: 21px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-right: 5px; position:relative; top:
This code here:
; border: 3px outset #0f0f0f"><iframe style="position:relative;bottom:394px;" width="417" height="417" src="youtube.com
This code here:
And finally, this code here:
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=0></iframe></div>
Once all of the MediaWiki pages have been edited, the YouTube player template should work and even though it may seem a bit confusing, you'll understand it eventually. A preview of what the player will look like once it's finished can be seen here.
Opinions on possibly adding this would be appreciated. Thanks!