For all of you that are thinking of marking my acc a candidate of deletion make sure u check out my blog, ok? I will be starting my blog on Dec 1. Until then, just mind Ur own business because I'm already freaking out about the blog, I don't want more pressure. Thanks
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Okay, so a handful of you probably know this, but there is actually a flaw with the way episodes are listed. First off, there were 36 episodes that have aired, and that have been filmed. not 35, and the second problem (that still kinda bugs me) is how we are counting YayDay. Every online television guide (including my TV provider) lists YayDay as episode 25, and TKTJ is literally listed as 2 episodes on every television guide on both digital/cable, but I was told a long time ago that we aren't counting TKTJ as two episodes (and I'd like to know why.)
If i'm confusing the heck out of you guys, I think you should just compare this list with our episode guide.
I just want the episode guide to be as accurate as possible. I just don't see the point of not following the television guides, and even Viacom has Sam & Cat listed at 36 episodes.
So yeah, thoughts? :)
Hi, everyone. I wanted to do this since a long time, but I've never managed to find the time and/or the courage do to this. In fact, it's about something that happened two months ago.
So here's the deal: I've created a page on this wiki for Sam's mom, as she was mentioned in several episodes, and not much after, it got deleted without any mention about. Later, 3cooldog92 told me that he deleted the page because she didn't appear in Sam & Cat, giving me this as a reason for not having the page here.
I gotta say that it's a logic I didn't got. I knew since a long time that this wiki shouldn't have major informations of another show, and I did that page mainly with informations of her that we got from Sam & Cat (maybe there was uneeded stuff from iCarly that we would had to remove, but other pages of returning characters did too.).
I don't see why a character from a past show that has been only mentioned wouldn't be allowed to have a page here. We have the category "No appearance" that is meant for that. Also, since this Wiki is for "all things Sam & Cat", it barely makes sense.
I hope no one will see this as a criticism, I'm just giving an opinion that I wanted to share.
There is an error. I have seen #MommaGoomer and it has the same theme song as all the other episodes, and I have not heard the lengthened theme tune before now. Please correct all the errors.
Sam, Freddie, Gibby, Nora and Nevel's page are featuring a date of birth. I think we should remove them, because first, it's more an iCarly information, and second because they're not canon anymore. Sam is supposed to be 20 today, but she's 17, according to #SuperPsycho. Logically, it's the same for the others.
These three pages of minor locations have been marked to be candidates for deletion, but there hasn't been any discuss about them yet. I've edited these pages since it got these marks of deletion and they became way longer that when they got it. I think these three pages look more like stubs than too minor pages, now.
I wanna know if some other people are agreeing with me about it and if we can get off these candidates for deletion marks of and keep the pages.
Hi, I was thinking about something. This Wiki has a page about the TV show iCarly, but almost everytime we mention the webshow on a page, it leads to this page about the TV show. Two exemples of this: on Dice's page, where it is said that he's a fan of iCarly and Freddie's page, which says that he's the former producer of iCarly. Both times, it leads to the TV show page, which doesn't make any sense and could confuse some people.
So we should do a page about the webshow, which was sometimes mentioned. Of course with the disambiguation that comes with.
As you see, all the episodes are all together. #TheKillerTunaJump is all together as shown in the episode itself at the beginning and many sources, and it is not #The Killer Tuna Jump. Who thinks we should rename the article to TheKillerTunaJump? Thanks.
I'm usually not really for pages deletion, but I've put the St. Schneider's Hospital page as a candidate for deletion because it's technically Peter Sinai Hospital under a different name because of a goof, as said in #The Killer Tuna Jump page. So maybe we should delete it and put more details of this goof on the Peter Sinai Hospital page.
The American Pipers page got deleted because it was said to have the same presentation than the Toilet Wars page. Before the page got deleted, I've changed it and it wasn't anymore the same presentation at all, but the page got deleted anyway. I thought it was kind of unfair for the page and I wonder if the one who deleted it saw the difference before. Since the problem was corrected, shouldn't we re-opening it ?
According to this blog they're rolling out the new visual editor soon. Right now it's available for each wiki to test out. Honestly I'm not crazy about this idea and I wish Wikia would leave it alone. However, at some point they're gonna make the change mandatory for all wikis so I figure we should at least try it for a week or so two so we can figure out what we do and don't like about it so we can at least suggest ways for them to improve it. So I propose enabling it here for a test run. What do you guys think?
A page for Jerry Trainor has been created when he visited the set during the production of #SecretSafe by a fan who thought than Spencer would appear in the show, and it got removed because he didn't guest star. For the show, Jerry was only mentionned in the alternate ending of #TextingCompetition at this point. But now, Jerry appeared in a blooper in #BlooperEpisode (an appearance also featured in The Lil Sam & Cat Show of #SecretSafe) and had a vocal role in #SuperPsycho as Crazy Steve. So I think his page should be reopened.
I nominated iParty With Victorious for deletion because it has nothing to do with S&C. The idea that it's a prequel is speculation. I think the mentions of it on various pages are enough and links to the page on the iCarly wiki suffice.
It have to be deleted
Q1. no pairing are allowed, cause there's no pairing
Q2. what is a herb?, just delete it
Q3. Spencer, oh, he, he's not returning in Sam and Cat, he only appeared on icarly
Q4. Everyone should be listed on Thirdary characters for the appearing of consinctance of the Returning Characters
Q5. No family category of Sam and Cat, it sould be Deleted for sure
make sure a Admin, Staff and Founder read this. Tian19981234 (wall • contribs) 08:09, February 11, 2014 (UTC)
It should say on Freddie's page that he is Sam's ex-boyfriend and they dates. It doesn't say that, though it talks about them possibly getting back together. I just think it would be clearer if it expressly said they had a romantic relationship.