"Ding dong!" |
Cat Valentine |
Biographical information | |
Full name |
Catarina Valentine |
Nickname(s) |
Cat (by everyone) |
Gender |
Female |
Age |
June 26, 1994 (age 19) |
Resides in |
Venice, Los Angeles, California |
Occupation |
Babysitter |
Affiliations |
Hollywood Arts High School[1] |
Physical description | |
Hair color |
Red (Dyed) |
Eye color |
Brown |
Personal information | |
Family |
Grandmother (Nona) |
Pets |
A dog mentioned in Victorious |
Friends |
Sam Puckett (best friend, roommate) |
Enemies |
Dilben |
Likes |
Cats |
Dislikes |
People who wear big sunglasses |
Production information | |
First appearance | |
Last appearance | |
Portrayed by | |
Gallery (images · videos) |
Catarina "Cat" Valentine[2] is one of the two titular main protagonists on the show alongside Sam Puckett. She is a continued character from Victorious. She is portrayed by Ariana Grande.
After Cat's parents left for a while to tend to her brother in Idaho, Cat, at the suggestion of her friend Jade West, decided to settle with her Nona because she refused to stay with her mean aunt and uncle. Her hair is naturally brown.
Season 1[]
Cat Valentine teams up with her roommate, Sam Puckett, in #Pilot and becomes a babysitter with her to fund for their crazy adventures.

Cat is an extremely sweet and caring girl with her head in the clouds. She is happy-go-lucky, very bubbly, and lost in her own mind at times. She often unknowingly gets herself into sticky situations.[3] There are still some traits that Cat has from Victorious, for example, her love for her purple giraffe, her craving for bibble, and her sweet, bubbly but dim-witted personality.
She can occasionally say something witty or intelligent but after that, it's a running gag that she says something that everyone already knows. Sensitive, she can sometimes be talkative or shy and her personality can differ based on her mood. It is a common fan theory that she is bipolar, which makes sense, based on her changing personality.
Cat is very naive and at times can be over-trusting to those who can appear sweet but have bad tendencies, such as Gwen and Ruby. She can sometimes talk a bit too much and isn't very good at keeping secrets, as shown in MyPoober when it means that someone else can benefit from it. Cat has an innocent character, although she can sometimes take things a little too literal so you'd have to be very patient and clear with her. Her feelings can be hurt easily, so Sam and Dice would try to be careful around her.
Cat is usually very child-like and friendly, with bouts of energy, and is shown to be a very good guitar player.
Sam Puckett[]
- Main article: Cat and Sam
(2011: Acquaintance) (2013–Present: Best friend; Roommate; Co-worker)
Cat and Sam become roommates and best friends in the pilot episode and create a babysitting business to fund their adventures. Cat cares about what happens to Sam and brings out the best in her, and together, the two are able to get through anything. They sometimes fight with each other, but they eventually make up.[3]
- Main article: Cat and Nona
(Birth (1995)–Present: Grandmother)

Cat and Nona
Cat and her grandmother have a good relationship; they care a lot for each other. Cat was very upset that her Nona was moving to Elderly Acres, but Nona reassured her that she would visit Cat often.
- Main article: Cat and Dice
(2013–Present: Neighbor and Good Friend)
Dice and Cat are neighbors and friends. Dice often comes into Cat's apartment and shares the latest news with her and to sell items. He also comes with his problems for her and Sam to help him with them. Cat loves it when Dice advertises his newest products. Dice has also been very helpful to Cat's babysitting service with Sam.
Jade West[]
(2008–Present: Best Friend and Classmate)
Cat and Jade had a very good relationship in Victorious. Jade was never as mean to Cat as she was to some of the other characters and they treated each other like best friends, despite Jade's brassy personality. (Cade)
Robbie Shapiro[]
(2008–Present: Close Friend and Long-Time Crush)
Cat and Robbie are close friends throughout Victorious. Robbie seems to be more tolerant of Cat's behavior, and Cat seems to be the nicest girl to Robbie. Robbie has proven many times that he likes Cat as more than a friend whilst Cat has shown a few subtle hints that she may like him back, but so far, she has never vocally admitted any feelings for him besides saying, "Don't say that! I like Robbie." and returning his kiss in One Thousand Berry Balls. In #TheKillerTunaJump, Cat admits she knows Robbie loves her, and Robbie is jealous that she went out with Freddie. However, in #TheKillerTunaJump, Jade reveals that Cat has had a crush on Robbie for a long time, confirming that Cat does have feelings for him. This is later on supported when Cat says, "Robbie, I thought you and me had something really special," and calls him her "kind-of boyfriend." Cat also tried to save Robbie from the tuna, but she passed out after her head hit the tank. Robbie then asks Cat out at the hospital and she accepts, leading to a relationship in the future. (Cabbie)
(2008–Present: Teacher-Student and Friend)
Sikowitz is Cat's teacher. In #MommaGoomer, Sikowitz let Cat and Sam use his classroom so Goomer's mother could see Goomer "teach". Cat remarked that Sikowitz was insane.
Freddie Benson[]
(2014–Present: Friends)
This friendship has started in the episode, #TheKillerTunaJump. Cat decides to call Freddie on Sam's phone to make Sam jealous since Jade and Sam are now best friends. Cat convinces Freddie that Sam was in an accident, so he flies to L.A. to see if she's okay and learns that this isn't true. Cat ends up flirting with him and they both share a nice Spanish conversation before they spend the whole day together. Even though Freddie learns he was used, they do still have a minor friendship between each other.
Cat: Oh, please! You saved me from being squished in garbage, let me repay you with the gift of bathing. |
Cat: Because old people love little kids. Look everyone! Who wants to squeeze some adorable children? |
Cat: Hi, and welcome to our American apartment! |
Cat: Ya know what they say… Easy like a goat. |
Cat: Look, Mrs. Torso, don't be upset! If Sam wins the competition, you can use our speedboat anytime you want! |
Cat: Hey! Hey, get in here, you guys! Who wants to go have dinner at a restaurant where the waiters are robots?! |
Cat: I want five yo-yos. |
Cat: What's behind that door? |
Cat: Oh yeah, what's her last name? |
Cat: There were these two ladies, and they both wanted the same baby, so King Solomon said, "We shall cut this baby in half." |
Cat: It's not a joke! My bibble is gone! |
Cat: Excuse me, excuse me. Okay, I'm looking for an elderly man whose name I do not know and whose face I cannot remember. |
Cat: I won't say it. But what am I supposed to do? |
Cat: But babysitting is supposed to make kids happy! Don't you wanna be happy? |
Cat: You say, "Hiiii! I'm Cat Valentine." Try it. |
Cat: You made Mindy go non-conscious! |
Cat: Why don't you come in, Mr. Marty Malloy? |
Cat: You have a twin sister?! |
Cat: I know I shouldn't have told Ellie about the pineapple but it seemed like a good move at the time. |
Cat: Listen, I am in love with this pink shoe I found, so I have to find the other one. I don't have time to think about meatballs, meatloaf, meat fruits, or any other kind of meat until we find the other pink shoe that matches this pink shoe! |
Cat: Yeah! You just gotta have enough money! |
Cat: Oh, we need to put a word in your dictionary. |
Cat: Oh, hey. This is my friend, Jade. Jade, how cute is my new friend, Freddie? |
Cat: That is not my fault. The wrapping paper had little baby unicorns on it. They called to me. |
Cat: There was a monkey in the bathroom? |
Cat: Yeah, you're not the only one who's thirsty! |
Cat: Hairless and naked?! |
Cat: Yeah. It's kinda cozy. It reminds me of my closet where I used to hide from my brother. |
Cat: Hey! Who wants to try my hot crapple pie? |
Cat: Wait, I see a drone! |
Cat: I thought first class passengers get to board the plane first. |
Cat: Oh, you changed your name? |
Cat: We murdered Del DeVille! |
Cat: It really looks like a wig. |
Cat: [repeated line] Ding Dong |
Cat: Do what? |

Cat's PearPhone XT
- Cat's hair is darker than it was on Victorious.
- Cat in Sam & Cat is Ariana Grande's first lead role in a television series.
- Cat has a new PearPhone case in Sam & Cat.
- The inspiration for the character of Cat came partly from Goldie Hawn, one of Dan Schneider's favorite comedic actresses of all time.[4]
- Cat has an electric singing toothbrush, as shown in the credits and #NewGoat.[5]
- According to #Pilot and some others episodes, when Cat gets really scared, she faints. It was sometimes shown in Victorious.
- Cat sometimes forgets to open the door as seen in #Pilot.
- Cat still goes to school at Hollywood Arts.
- Cat is a fan of Justin Bieber, as she "fangirls" when Dice shows her Justin Bieber's hair.
- In #TheBritBrats, it is revealed that Cat is still addicted to Bibble like she was in the Victorious episode "Tori Goes Platinum." This is episode where it is revealed that Cat is banned from a store that sells bibble.
- Cat has a tendency to repeat sounds that she hears (doorbells, phone ringing, etc.).
- Cat also has a tendency to mispronounce words.
- In #StuckInABox Cat only has less screen time because Ariana Grande was writing/recording songs for her album "My Everything".
- Cat usually gets Sam's last name wrong, like naming her Puckell, for example though she does get it right in #MadAboutShoe.
- Cat can be easily manipulated as seen in #BabysitterWar when arguing with Sam about the bedroom.
- Cat has a picture of Sikowitz on her bedroom wall.
- She doesn't like cotton candy stuck to her face.
- Cat Valentine, Sam Puckett and Dice Corleone are the only characters to appear in every episode.
- As shown in #GoomerSitting, Cat still retains the habit of taking objects out of her bra. In that case, it was money. It also shows that Cat became more harmful as she blinds Goomer without reading the label on the bottle.
- That's a Drag! was her favorite show before its cancellation in #FavoriteShow.
- It is revealed in #ToddlerClimbing and #MommaGoomer that Cat is bad at making people look different, like Dice. This was also seen in her prior role in Victorious in the episode Tori the Zombie.
- Apart from Dice, Cat is the only main character to have been aware of Sam's reputation from iCarly prior to meeting her in person.
- Cat thought diabetes was a disease that affects the butt and calls it diabootes.
- She thinks the word stupid is street talk for good.
- It is revealed in #RevengeOfTheBritBrats that about a year ago (presumably since the events of "Tori Goes Platinum") Cat ate so much bibble that when she ran out of money she pawned Nona's jewelry.
- Half of her phone number is 573-29 as revealed in #SecretSafe.
- The zip code where she lives is 90291.
Cat's blue hair in #MotorcycleMystery
- Cat often pronounces words wrong.
- In #MotorcycleMystery, Cat dyes blue streaks her hair.
- She doesn't know how to make microwave popcorn but she does know to use a microwave.
- Cat believes in magic.
- Tiny food scares her, as revealed in #MyPoober.
- She didn't understand toast until she bought a book about it.
- Cat became manipulative and was able to convince Sam to get more money in the ATM in #MagicATM.
- Cat has a snooping problem so she needs to take special vitamins to help her.
- Cat often wears lace-up canvas shoes (sometimes with floral prints on them) that can be recognized as Keds.
- Cat has shown numerous times to be a good cook from things like meatballs, sloppy waffles, brownies, and blue dog soda.
- Cat thinks hammers are called nail bangers.
- According to #WeStealARockStar, Cat is a great guitar repair woman and is also quite talented at playing it.
- Cat has been arrested three times, in Locked Up!, #MagicATM and #GettinWiggy, but in #GettinWiggy she will be released from jail in two weeks.
- In #GettinWiggy, the fact that her grandmother agreed to get her out of jail implies that the reason why Cat seems to get away with crimes is because Nona bails her out, dismissing the severity of the crime. Contrariwise, Cat probably tricks the guards into releasing her and probably acts dumb to get away with crimes and other bad things.