Sam and Cat Wiki

"Cock-a-doodle-do, the cow says moo!!!"
— Crazy Steve

Crazy Steve
Crazy Steve
Biographical information
Full name

Steven William Upshaw



Resides in

San Diego, California (formerly)


Movie theater employee

Physical description
Hair color


Eye color


Personal information


Production information
First appearance


Last appearance


Portrayed by

Matt Little (physically)
Jerry Trainor (voice)

Crazy Steve is a minor character on Sam & Cat and a continued character from Drake & Josh. He had a short appearance in #SuperPsycho.



Crazy Steve is an employee of the Premiere, a movie theater at San Diego. He is mentally ill and has anger issues. A recurring joke about him was people asking what are his problems, and no one has ever been able to give answers.


He was sent at Peter Sinai Sickness Hospital, in unknown conditions, but obviously because of his numerous problems. While searching for Nevel, Sam and Cat pass by him, while he's shaking shoes fixed to bras, like in the Drake & Josh episode Really Big Shrimp, the series final episode. Then, Sam and Cat leaves without really paying attention to him. He seems to annoy Dr. Slarm by repeating the same sentence.


He is mentally disabled and gets mad very easily.




[flails arms and legs] Cock-a-doodle-do, the cow says moo!!! [grunts] See ya.


  • He was wearing a mask in Sam & Cat because he isn't physically portrayed by Jerry Trainor, Crazy Steve's portrayer in Drake & Josh.
  • He shares the same middle name than his portrayer.
  • He's the first and only character from Drake & Josh to appear on Sam & Cat.
  • He was mentioned in the Victorious episode "Helen Back Again".
  • He's the fourth Drake & Josh character Sam met. The first three are Craig, Eric and Gavin in "iStart a Fanwar".
  • He's the second Drake & Josh character Cat met. The first is Helen in "Helen Back Again".
  • In both Drake & Josh and Sam & Cat, he has never been shown wearing something else than the Premiere's vest.
  • He is unnamed in the episode.
  • He is the second returning character to not be from iCarly or Victorious. The first was Stacey Dillsen from Zoey 101. The third and fourth being Coco Wexler and Carl from Zoey 101.


Main Characters
Sam PuckettCat ValentineDice Corleone
Recurring Characters
NonaGoomerTandyBungleZerpHerbRandyChloe and MaxDarbyGwen and RubyMurfBJ MalloyJohn ZakappaBrodyYokvishDel DeVille
Minor Characters
Food truck workerLimo driverMelindaDillonJeff Du ShellEthan and BobDilbenDilben's fake fatherDilben's fatherButler TorsoSharon TorsoDaisy, Jarvis, and Sophie FentonJustin FeverKip DooleyMrs. DooleyGeorge, Grant, and RichardMrs. MerrOfficer BellAunt FergeneAlexa BigglyJasperGrady Jeffers and his brotherMrs. HartleyQuincy HartleyHectorDJOscar LurkinMr. DrangeClarice DrangeFutzPeezy BDylanMartin MalloyJanice DobbinsSylvia BurkeMyron and Byron MillerEllie FarberJakeJake's momOfficer­ KelvinLucasJepsonKim FimbleVance AndersonPhillip and Kelly BaumCromsbyLiddyRita RooneyBubs DixonJett ZanderYonceWoodyMr. BombayStank MaxwellMark Bonner
Returning Characters
Erwin SikowitzMelanie PuckettStacey DillsenJade WestFreddie BensonMarissa BensonRobbie ShapiroNora DershlitMauriceGibby GibsonNevel PappermanCoco WexlerCarlCoco's mother