Sam and Cat Wiki

"Coming in with a ...."
— Dice's catchphrase

Dice Corleone
Dice on the set of 'That's a Drag' - FavoriteShow
Biographical information
Full name

Diceneo J. Corleone


Dice (by everyone)
The Dice Man (by himself)
Diceberg by (by BJ)
Billy Fahrenheit
Little Man (by Vance Anderson)
Hair Hat (by Airport Security)
It (by Nora Dershlit)




(age 12-13)

Resides in

Venice, Los Angeles, California


Entrepreneur, Benefactor, Goomer's Manager, Hair model, Dancer


Sam & Cat’s Super Rockin’ Fun-Time Babysitting Service

Physical description
Hair color


Eye color


Personal information

Mrs. Corleone (mother)
Aunt Fergene


Murf (Goat)
Opee (Dog)


Cat Valentine
Sam Puckett
Goomer (good friend and client)
Del DeVille (formerly)
Jade West (possibly)
Robbie Shapiro(Possibly)
Freddie Benson (possibly)


Gwen and Ruby
Rival Babysitting Service
Alexa Biggly
John Zakappa
Vance Anderson
Nora Dershlit
Del DeVille


Making Deals, That's a Drag!, Making money, iCarly


Stealing, anything illegal, Alexa Biggly using Opee, Vance Anderson

Production information
First appearance


Last appearance


Portrayed by

Cameron Ocasio[1]

Gallery (images)

Diceneo J. "Dice" Corleone[2] is one of main characters in Sam & Cat.[3] He is Sam and Cat's next door neighbor. He is a cool and slick guy, but he is also nice. He likes selling things and making deals.[4][5]

Dice is a big reason for Sam and Cat's blooming babysitting business. Dice is cool, calm and collected. He also knows all the tenants in the building, as well as all the gossip. He can get Sam and Cat almost anything from clients to gadgets.[6]

He is portrayed by Cameron Ocasio.



He became friends with Cat Valentine soon after she moved into Apartment 22.

Sam & Cat[]

He is the benefactor of Sam & Cat’s Super Rockin’ Fun-Time Babysitting Service and is a good friend of Cat and Sam Puckett.


Dice has a very caring nature. He is shown to care about his friends, such as Sam, Cat, and Goomer, and will do anything to help them out. He's also shown to be an animal lover, as he took Murf and Opee home and is seen holding and petting Maurice the Chicken.



(2013-Present: Idol, Friend, Neighbor)

Main article: Dice and Sam

Dice first met Sam in #Pilot when he went to sell celebrity hair to Cat. He instantly recognized her from iCarly and told her that she is awesome. He and Sam become friends as Dice helps her and Cat with the wacky antics surrounding their babysitting business. Dice usually idolizes Sam for the awesome feats she is able to accomplish. In #SuperPsycho, Sam says she'd be lost without Dice and that she loves him. Sam is sometimes rude to Dice but they have a lot of great moments and it's implied that he looks up to Sam as shown in Pilot.


(2013-2014: Neighbor, Good Friend)

Main article: Cat and Dice

Dice is good friends with Cat. They have been neighbors since Cat moved in to live with her Nona. Cat comfortably lets Dice walk into her apartment, showing how close their friendship is. However, Dice's problems sometimes irritate her. Like his friendship with Sam, Cat can be mean to him sometimes. Like, in Lumpatious she mocked him and angrily talked to him about kids starving when he complained about his noodles being to long. Also, like in DroneBabyDrone, she said she would punch Dice in the face if wasn't interesting.


(2013-2014: Good Friend/Goomer's Manager)

Main article: Dice and Goomer

Dice is Goomer's manager and is also his good friend. Dice is shown to really care about Goomer and even asked Sam and Cat to help fool Goomer's mother into thinking Goomer was a high school teacher so he wouldn't have to move back home.


(2013-2014: Former neighbor)

Main article: Dice and Nona

Dice and Nona lived in the same building before Nona moved to Elderly Acres, but Dice is still close with her granddaughter, Cat Valentine. In #ToddlerClimbing, Nona goes to lunch at Bots with Dice, Sam, and Cat. Later on, she pretends to be Dice's grandmother to fool the Rival Babysitting Service. They aren't really close as she sprayed Dice with a hose because he called her old in DroneBabyDrone.

Jade West[]

(2014: Acquaintance) Jade and Dice don't interact much. When they meet in the episode #TheKillerTunaJump, Jade said he has nice hair and asked "What are you?" Later on she (along with Sam and Cat) goes to see the fish he won. She then gave him the idea to book The Dirty Skipper to jump the tank.

Freddie Benson[]

(2014: Acquaintance)

Dice and Freddie don't interact much. When they met in #TheKillerTunaJump, Freddie said that Dice has amazing hair. Later Freddie (and Robbie) tried to buy tickets from Dice to see Sam jump the tuna only to find out Dice is sold out of tickets.

Robbie Shapiro[]

(2014: Acquaintance)

Dice and Robbie don't interact much. In #TheKillerTunaJump, Robbie (along with Freddie) tried to buy tickets from Dice to see Sam jump the tuna only to find out Dice is sold out of tickets.


Dice 'Sam and Cat' Photoshoot 1
  • Dice's last name is a reference to Don Corleone in the movie The Godfather.
  • He is always looking to make extra money by wheeling and dealing, and he uses many far-fetched ways to do so, such as collecting hair from celebrities to sell. He seems to be very talented at advertising, almost like someone in a commercial.[7]
  • Dice has many similarities with Freddie; both are the "smart guys" of their respective groups. Like Freddie, he constantly gets pushed around and made fun of by Sam.
  • Dice is not allowed to stay home alone.
  • Cat loves it when Dice advertises his products.
  • Dice Corleone, Sam Puckett and Cat Valentine are the only characters to appear in every episode.
  • Dice is the only main character on the show that hasn't been featured in a previous show.
  • Dice sells "the spife", a utensil that is half spoon and half knife. He says it can be used for those times when you're eating cereal and suddenly need to cut up a sausage. It is also very useful for opening things.
  • Dice has sold defective hats from various states. Sam has one from Montana spelled Montuna.
  • Dice has a pet goat named Murf that Sam and Cat sometimes babysit. Dice accidentally bought him from a foreign man in an alley thinking the guy said coat and not goat.
  • He is a big fan of iCarly.
  • He is similar to Deuce Martinez from the Disney Channel series Shake It Up. Both sell things randomly and wear a similar article of clothing in almost every episode of their show.
  • He almost always wears a hat.
  • He bought a 40-dollar goat from a man he met in an alley.
  • He manages Goomer in Mixed Martial Arts.
  • Apparently, Dice has had close encounters with or been arrested by the police before, as in #TheBritBrats, he is seen quietly and slowly walking away as the supposed cops "arrest" Sam, Cat and Nona for running an illegal bingo game. Another instance in #BabysitterWar is after Cat uses his cannon to blast a turkey directly into Justin Fever, knocking him out, he just simply states "I was never here" and runs out of the apartment. In #TheKillerTunaJump, it was revealed he has a lawyer so this might be further hinting he's had encounters with the cops before.
  • Dice is revealed to be 12 and a half years old in #SecretSafe.
  • He is a hair model.
  • As shown in #GoomerSitting, Dice seems very close with Goomer.
  • Dice is shown to be very good friends with Sam and Cat.
  • Dice has been dressed up on two occasions by Cat. Once in #ToddlerClimbing as a little kid and second in #MommaGoomer as a teenager. Both times she failed miserably.
  • So far Dice has sold celebrity hair, defective hats, and spifes.
  • Dice is revealed to have a dog named Opee in #BabysittingCommercial,[8] who he's had for six months.
  • Dice has a few jobs he's embarrassed about such as a hair model and a party dancer.
  • The zip code where he lives is 90291.
  • He has access to some unusual stuff like dynamite and outlawed candy.
  • His PearPhone cover has red dice on it.
  • Dice is the only main character who's not a title character.
  • Dice reveals to be part of the Burbank Spelling Bee.
  • Dice's Aunt Fergene is frequently mentioned as a running gag, like Cat's brother.
  • Dice has an assistant.
  • Dice also has a lawyer.
  • He is in the sixth grade.
  • His full name was revealed in #SuperPsycho as "Diceneo J. Corleone".
  • He's the only protagonist who didn't show a love interest.
  • He likes doing magic tricks, but Goomer and Vance Anderson say that he is a terrible magician. He showed his liking for magic in #Twinfection and #StuckInABox.
  • He appears to be an animal lover, as he took home Opee in BabysittingCommercial when he saw Opee in the alley five days in a row sniffing for food. Another example is in NewGoat when he accidentally bought Murf from a dealer and brought him home.
  • He feels he gets no respect.


Main Characters
Sam PuckettCat ValentineDice Corleone
Recurring Characters
NonaGoomerTandyBungleZerpHerbRandyChloe and MaxDarbyGwen and RubyMurfBJ MalloyJohn ZakappaBrodyYokvishDel DeVille
Minor Characters
Food truck workerLimo driverMelindaDillonJeff Du ShellEthan and BobDilbenDilben's fake fatherDilben's fatherButler TorsoSharon TorsoDaisy, Jarvis, and Sophie FentonJustin FeverKip DooleyMrs. DooleyGeorge, Grant, and RichardMrs. MerrOfficer BellAunt FergeneAlexa BigglyJasperGrady Jeffers and his brotherMrs. HartleyQuincy HartleyHectorDJOscar LurkinMr. DrangeClarice DrangeFutzPeezy BDylanMartin MalloyJanice DobbinsSylvia BurkeMyron and Byron MillerEllie FarberJakeJake's momOfficer­ KelvinLucasJepsonKim FimbleVance AndersonPhillip and Kelly BaumCromsbyLiddyRita RooneyBubs DixonJett ZanderYonceWoodyMr. BombayStank MaxwellMark Bonner
Returning Characters
Erwin SikowitzMelanie PuckettStacey DillsenJade WestFreddie BensonMarissa BensonRobbie ShapiroNora DershlitMauriceGibby GibsonNevel PappermanCoco WexlerCarlCoco's mother