"He's great. He's big, strong, and he's crazy fast." |
Dice and Goomer |
General information | |
Shipped | |
Portmanteau |
Doomer, Gice |
Status |
Best friends |
Gallery (images) |
Dice Corleone and Goomer are both characters of Sam & Cat, and they are friends. The pairing of the characters is often referred to as Doomer (D/ice and G/oomer) or Gice (G/oomer and D/ice). Because of an age gap of 15 years (Dice is 12 years old and Goomer 27 years old), this article is only for friendship speculation.
- Dice brought Goomer to Apartment 22, so Sam and Cat could babysit him.
- Dice and Goomer hugged before Dice left and again after the fight
- Goomer said he was proud of Dice's hair modelling career.
- Goomer stood up for Dice's hair when insulted by John Zakappa.
- Goomer called Dice's hair 'beautiful'.
- Dice, Sam, and Cat help Goomer beat John Zakappa.
- Dice asked Sam and Cat to help fool Goomer's mother into thinking Goomer was a high school teacher so he wouldn't have to move back home.
- Dice didn't want Goomer to move back home because he would lose Goomer, who's his best friend (Though he also said he'd lose money).
- Dice jumps into Goomers arms after his mother allows him to stay
- Dice is pleased when Goomer finally says something smart.
- Dice (and Sam) are disappointed when Goomer goes back to his normal self.
- Dice (and Sam) go to watch Goomer fight.
- They both get their hair dyed.
- Dice and Goomer take Sam's motorcycle back to the apartment together.
- Goomer was going to pick up Dice.
- Goomer knew where Dice was.
- Goomer is upset when Dice is helping another fighter.
- Dice offers to Goomer a watch as an excuse gift.
- They both came over to help Cat babysit.
- Dice helps Goomer find his lucky shirt.
- Goomer helps Dice get the fudge out.
- Goomer calls Dice to help because he thought he was in his bathroom while he didn't.
- Dice says to Nora that he has to help Goomer.
- They come to the airport together to bring the timers for Phillip and Kelly Baum.
- Goomer puts himself and Dice in a bad situation.
- Dice is annoyed by Goomer making the personel of the airport believe that he wanted to put a bomb in the plane.
- Goomer is angry that Dice wants to tell his version of the story.
- Goomer takes Dice with him while escaping to make sure he won't be captured.
- Dice is mad that a fighter was bullying Goomer.
- Dice (along with Sam and Cat) go to Punchy's to confront Goomer's bully.
- Goomer thought that he was Dice's favorite fighter until Dice stated that it was Sam.
Related episodes or subplots[]
- #NewGoat
- #GoomerSitting
- #MommaGoomer
- #MotorcycleMystery
- #SecretSafe
- #Twinfection
- #MyPoober
- #YayDay
- #BlueDogSoda
- #StuckInABox
- #FirstClassProblems
- #KnockOut
Dice: He's great. He's big, strong, and he's crazy fast. |
Cat: Maybe you're scared of Goomer moving away because he's your best friend? |
- Dice is Goomer's manager and his best friend.
- In #NewGoat, it is stated that Goomer is too stupid to be managed, however Dice still manages him.
v • e • dPairings | ||||