Sam and Cat Wiki
Sam and Cat Wiki

"I command you to listen to me!"
— Dilben to Sam

Dilben in NewGoat
Biographical information
Full name




Resides in

Venice, California

Physical description
Hair color


Eye color


Personal information

Father (Wide-shoe seller)


His fake father


Sam Puckett,
Cat Valentine,
Nona (possibly)


Capes, Tricking people into thinking his father is the landlord


Sam Puckett, His father's job, Goats

Production information
First appearance


Last appearance


Portrayed by

River Alexander

Dilben is a character on Sam & Cat. He is portrayed by River Alexander.


Dilben is the son of a man who sells wide-footed shoes to wide-footed women, which he is quite embarrassed of. He gets so out of hand with it that he falsely tells his tenants that his father is the landlord. He bosses Sam and Cat around for violating the pet policy by having a goat and not being over 18 years old, which violates the contract of the building. His father eventually catches him and ends his evil scheme.


Dilben is a rude and bossy boy. He likes to boss around the residents of the building by acting like the landlord's son.


His Father[]


Dilben and his father have a bad relationship because Dilben is embarrassed by his father's job, in which he sells shoes to wide-footed women. Dilben's dad is also disapproves his choice of wearing capes.


His relationship with Sam is a bad one. He seems to have more issues with Sam than Cat since Cat always tries to be nice to him on account of being the "son" of the landlord. Every single time he went to Sam and Cat's apartment, he wounds up leaving with his clothes switched and losing his cape.


Sam: [Opens the door] Yeah?
Dilben: Let me in!
Sam: Why?
Dilben: [Walks into the apartment] Thank you! Ahoy! I knew I smelt an animal!
Sam: Ahoy?
Dilben: You're not allowed to have that beast in this building.
Sam: Why are you wearing a cape?
Dilben: Because I am.
Sam: Are you a magician?
Dilben: No.
Sam: Superhero?
Dilben: No! I wear a cape because I like capes.
Sam: Weirdos like capes.
Dilben: See this here? [Holds out piece of paper]
Sam: No.
Dilben: This paper.
Sam: Did something poop on your forehead?
Dilben: I command you to listen to me! This says residents of this building may keep cats or small dogs. No other animals allowed.
Sam: Are caped weirdos allowed?
Dilben: You're new to this building aren't you?
Sam: Kinda.
Dilben: Well, I happen to be a big deal around here. And you have one day to get rid of that goat.
Sam: That's not a goat.
Dilben: "Is too."
Sam: It's a cat.
Dilben: That's a lie.
Sam: Small dog.
Dilben: Another lie!
Sam: So, you have no friends?
Dilben: Irrelevant! Sign this to show you have been warned about your goat.
Sam: I'm not signing anything.
Dilben: You will sign it. Or I won't leave.



  • Dilben pretended that the landlord of the building was his father.
  • Dilben's father sells wide-footed shoes to wide-footed women, and Dilben is embarrassed by that.
  • Dilben likes wearing capes, which his father doesn't like.
  • He is disliked by Cat, Sam, Dice and Nona.
  • He seems to have a habit of invading privacy.
  • He seems somewhat similar to Nevel Papperman from iCarly.
    • Coincidentally, Dilben is portrayed by River Alexander, while Nevel Papperman is portrayed by Reed Alexander, though the actors are not related.


Main Characters
Sam PuckettCat ValentineDice Corleone
Recurring Characters
NonaGoomerTandyBungleZerpHerbRandyChloe and MaxDarbyGwen and RubyMurfBJ MalloyJohn ZakappaBrodyYokvishDel DeVille
Minor Characters
Food truck workerLimo driverMelindaDillonJeff Du ShellEthan and BobDilbenDilben's fake fatherDilben's fatherButler TorsoSharon TorsoDaisy, Jarvis, and Sophie FentonJustin FeverKip DooleyMrs. DooleyGeorge, Grant, and RichardMrs. MerrOfficer BellAunt FergeneAlexa BigglyJasperGrady Jeffers and his brotherMrs. HartleyQuincy HartleyHectorDJOscar LurkinMr. DrangeClarice DrangeFutzPeezy BDylanMartin MalloyJanice DobbinsSylvia BurkeMyron and Byron MillerEllie FarberJakeJake's momOfficer­ KelvinLucasJepsonKim FimbleVance AndersonPhillip and Kelly BaumCromsbyLiddyRita RooneyBubs DixonJett ZanderYonceWoodyMr. BombayStank MaxwellMark Bonner
Returning Characters
Erwin SikowitzMelanie PuckettStacey DillsenJade WestFreddie BensonMarissa BensonRobbie ShapiroNora DershlitMauriceGibby GibsonNevel PappermanCoco WexlerCarlCoco's mother