Sam and Cat Wiki
Forums: Index
Ariana & Jennette at 2012 KCAs

The Sam and Cat Wiki Forums are for community discussion and discussion for major improvements, and is open to all community members. Feel free to discuss:

  • Changes that will affect the entire wiki
  • Changes that impact many articles or large sections of the wiki
  • Proposals for policy and guideline changes
  • Major issues or problems with the wiki
  • Anything else that the whole community needs input on

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Victorious and iCarly Information on Our Pages04:26, 12 August 2013SCbot
Enabling the new Forum feature01:02, 18 April 2013SCbot
Additional Rights for the Rollback Group03:38, 7 February 2013Cc71
Titles for Pairing Pages05:20, 7 December 2012Cc71
Subdividing gallery pages05:57, 2 December 2012EpicFork
Main page05:54, 2 December 2012EpicFork
New background proposal05:41, 2 December 2012EpicFork
Gallery Naming Format19:22, 1 December 2012EpicFork
Growing This Wiki06:03, 30 November 2012Cc71
Infoboxes, Images and More06:01, 30 November 2012Cc71
Redistribution of administrative rights05:26, 28 November 2012Cc71
Title Case vs. Sentence Case16:41, 6 November 2012SCbot
On KataraFan's Promotion16:40, 6 November 2012SCbot
Licensing Wikipedia Content16:39, 6 November 2012SCbot
Bot permission16:38, 6 November 2012SCbot
Userboxes16:10, 6 November 2012SCbot
New bureaucrat16:10, 6 November 2012SCbot
Inquiry of admin/b-crat- Bat Forever16:10, 6 November 2012SCbot
Enforcing Our Image Policy16:09, 6 November 2012SCbot
Colored comments for admins16:09, 6 November 2012SCbot