Sam and Cat Wiki

! This article is about the episode FresnoGirl. For the store with the same name, see Fresno Girl.

"All Fresno Girl dolls come just as real children are born."
— Matyoo about the Fresno Girl dolls.

Season 1, Episode 29
Sam and Cat in FresnoGirl
General information
Air date

March 15, 2014 [1]

Prod. code



Dan Schneider and Christopher J. Nowak


Steve Hoefer


2.737 million[2]

Episode guide




Gallery (images · videos)

#FresnoGirl is the 29th episode of Sam & Cat.


Sam comes home with a wiener flinger, which shoots wieners. A girl named Kim, whom Sam and Cat babysit, comes in and is depressed because if she fails another math test, she'll have to go to summer school. Sam and Cat ask her what she really wants. Kim says she wants a Fresno Girl doll, so Sam and Cat say that if Kim gets a B+ or above on her test, they'll get her a Fresno Girl.

Kim has apparently gotten an A- (92%) on the test, so Sam and Cat take her to the store. Kim chooses a doll named Gabriella, but the doll's price is ridiculously high. If they bought Gabriella hairless and naked, it would still be $156.20 because hair and clothes count as accessories. Hair, clothes, and a bike cost nearly an extra $200, and Sam and Cat end up losing almost all their money.

Sam is furious about how they had lost about $340. Then, Sam accidentally shoots a wiener at Gabriella, knocking off her leg. Meanwhile, Randy and his friends find Goomer and kidnap him. The cost to repair Gabriella's leg costs another $223.09, infuriating Sam. For revenge, Sam then decides to give all the employees fudge piles, sticking their jaws together. Then, Sam announces with a British accent on the speaker that for the next five minutes that all Fresno Girl dolls and accessories were free. While all the customers start grabbing everything, Sam, Cat, and Kim make their getaway. When they get home, Sam and Cat see Kim's test with a 67% (a D, passing but not proficient) on it instead of the 92% Cat had seen earlier. Kim finally admits that she had made a fake test with a 92% score. Sam and Cat aren't happy.

Sam and Cat make a deal with Kim into going on a date with Randy in order to keep her doll.


Goomer runs in, looking for "Timmy Tee." Dice follows and he explains that Goomer has a lucky shirt which he named "Timmy Tee" but he had lost it.

Goomer leaves flyers all over Bots so that people would know his T-shirt is missing. However, he never said that the shirt was Timmy Tee, making it seem like Goomer's name was Timmy Tee. This makes Randy and his friends think Goomer is Timmy Tee, but they'd never given him his shirt. Randy and his friends end up hunting down Goomer.

Goomer couldn't hide in his house because they'd found out where he lives. Sam and Cat tell Goomer to lie on the floor of their bedroom facedown. Randy and his friends find Goomer and kidnap him.

However, Randy says that it's his birthday soon and if they get him a date, he'll release Goomer. Goomer is released, but he still doesn't have his shirt. However, it turns out that Goomer had been wearing his shirt the whole time all week; he had just been wearing it backwards.

Subplot 2[]

Cat is making a tray of "fudge piles." Dice eats a fudge pile, but it sticks to his jaws and he can't speak. Dice sticks a fork in his mouth and Goomer tries to pull out the fork. He pulls out the fork, along with the fudge pile and two of Dice's teeth.


Matyoo (to Glenda, while indicating Kim): This young lady has chosen Gabriella. Please prepare the doll for travel.
Glenda: Certainly.
Sam: Ah, so I guess you want money now.
Matyoo: [laughs] Yes. [picks up Pear Pad] Your total with tax comes to $156.20
Cat: What?!
Sam: [coughs]
Matyoo: Is there an issue?
Cat: $150?!
Sam: For a doll?!
Matyoo: For a Fresno Girl doll.
Sam: My mom's had butt surgery that didn't cost that much!
Kim: You guys, if it's too much money, you don't have to buy Gabriella for me. I'm used to being disappointed.
Matyoo: Ouch.
Cat: No, no. You got an A- on your test.
Sam: And we promised we'd buy you a Fresno Girl doll.
Matyoo: Cash or credit card?
Cat: Caaaash!
Glenda: Congratulations, little one. Gabriella is yours. [hands Kim a bald doll in a bag]
Kim: But...but where's her hair?
Cat: [looks in bag and gasps] And...where's her clothes?
Matyoo: Oh, I'm sorry. Did you girls wish to buy some accessories?
Sam: You're saying that hair and clothes are extra?!
Matyoo: All Fresno Girl dolls come just as real children are born.
Cat: Hairless and naked?!
Matyoo: We do provide the modesty sack.
Sam (aggravated): Show us some accessories.
Matyoo: Follow Matyoo.


  • The credits feature an extended version of the scene where Mathieu sees the broken leg.
  • Fresno Girl is a parody of American Girl.
  • This marks the final appearance of Randy.
  • The front of the Timmy Tee says Shamrock Meats, which is a meat company in the movie series Rocky.


  • One of the dolls is named Catarina, which is Cat's full name.

Character revelations[]

  • Goomer has a lucky shirt named Timmy Tee which he always wears before his MMA fights.
  • Goomer is superstitious.
  • Randy is a boy scout.


  • Randy and his friends could have gotten in trouble since they forced Goomer to hid and later kidnapped him.
  • Sam, Cat, and Dice give a date to Randy with Kim for his birthday, but they don't mention to give something to Randy's friends.
  • Goomer said his shirt was black, but it is actually gray.
  • Glenda had said the original total for the doll was $275.20, when it was actually $270.20. In addition, she and Matyoo said the total for the leg surgery was $223.09, when it was actually $210.09. Apparently, the tax for the doll and accessories is less than the tax for the surgery.

Running gags[]

  • Cat's fudge piles being described too chewy.
  • The personnel of Fresno Girl asking insane prices.
  • Goomer being mistaken for Timmy Tee and getting assaulted by Randy and his friends.

Series continuity[]

International premieres[]

  • October 17, 2014 (UK & Ireland)
  • October 21, 2014 (Quebec)


