Sam and Cat Wiki
John Zakappa
John the Skull Crusher
Biographical information
Full name

John Zakappa


John the Skull Crusher
The Skull Crusher



Resides in




Physical description
Hair color


Eye color


Personal information



Goomer, Sam Puckett, Cat Valentine, Dice




Dice's hair

Production information
First appearance


Last appearance


Portrayed by

Devan Long

John Zakappa is a recurring antagonist in Sam & Cat. He is portrayed by Devan Long.



He received the title, Skull Crusher after nearly crushing a guy's skull with a headlock. In his match with Goomer, he was proving to be victorious since he was pulling cheap shots and Cat accidentally made Goomer blind until one blow cleared up his vision a bit. Annoyed at Dice talking, John insulted his hair, making Goomer angry. Sam, Cat, and Dice then directed Goomer with his fighting, leading to Goomer's victory. After the fight, John tried to beat up Goomer but wound up getting beat up by Sam.


Cat and an elderly man met up with John and his midget friend Hector at Bots where Cat talked about Sam and her motorcycle and showed him the keys. John swiped the keys, then he and Hector ran out to the parking lot where they boarded Sam's motorcycle before Cat dragged Hector off. John then drove away on Sam's motorcycle. Later, Sam, Cat, Dice, and Goomer had Hector held captive in an alley way, where John met up with the gang in order to trade Sam's motorcycle in for his friend. Sam got her motorcycle from him and ended up beating him up again and keeping his midget friend.


He is somewhat of a bully. He nearly crushed a guy's skull to win a match, pulled a cheap shot, and insulted Dice's hair just because he was helping Goomer.



  • He was undefeated until Goomer beat him.
  • He is shown to have many tattoos.
  • He insulted Dice's hair. He's one of the only characters to dislike them.
  • He is somewhat of a bully.
  • He got beat up by Sam twice.
  • His voice seems to be not very clear, because he has a foreign accent.
  • He often says things with missing words, such as "I be there" and "What you want", possibly because English isn't his first language.
  • He is friends with Hector.
  • He can't count very high as he had to start over his counting before reaching four thousand.
  • In the Dutch and Italian dubbings he is called 'Head Crusher' instead of 'Skull Crusher'.
Main Characters
Sam PuckettCat ValentineDice Corleone
Recurring Characters
NonaGoomerTandyBungleZerpHerbRandyChloe and MaxDarbyGwen and RubyMurfBJ MalloyJohn ZakappaBrodyYokvishDel DeVille
Minor Characters
Food truck workerLimo driverMelindaDillonJeff Du ShellEthan and BobDilbenDilben's fake fatherDilben's fatherButler TorsoSharon TorsoDaisy, Jarvis, and Sophie FentonJustin FeverKip DooleyMrs. DooleyGeorge, Grant, and RichardMrs. MerrOfficer BellAunt FergeneAlexa BigglyJasperGrady Jeffers and his brotherMrs. HartleyQuincy HartleyHectorDJOscar LurkinMr. DrangeClarice DrangeFutzPeezy BDylanMartin MalloyJanice DobbinsSylvia BurkeMyron and Byron MillerEllie FarberJakeJake's momOfficer­ KelvinLucasJepsonKim FimbleVance AndersonPhillip and Kelly BaumCromsbyLiddyRita RooneyBubs DixonJett ZanderYonceWoodyMr. BombayStank MaxwellMark Bonner
Returning Characters
Erwin SikowitzMelanie PuckettStacey DillsenJade WestFreddie BensonMarissa BensonRobbie ShapiroNora DershlitMauriceGibby GibsonNevel PappermanCoco WexlerCarlCoco's mother