This is a list of minor pairings that were featured in Sam & Cat that are too minor to have their own pages.
Bungle and Tandy[]
"Now you know what it is like to be rejected." |
Bungle and Tandy, known as Bundy (Bun/gle and Tan/dy), are both recurring robots characters and co-workers at Bots. They apparently dated in the past.
- This episode marks their first real interaction.
- Bungle tells Tandy to bring more cheese to Oscar's table and Tandy does it right after.
- It is implied that they have dated previously.
- Bungle makes an allusion, saying that Tandy often forgets things, like Dice's fries and her birthday.
- Tandy states that Bungle isn't his type.
- Tandy says that her being her time is an one-time thing.
- Bungle likes to see Tandy being rejected.
- Bungle takes Tandy away when he got broken. She calls him a friend, anyway.
- Tandy doesn't like to see that people suspect him to date Bungle and also suspects her to have said something about that.
- The fact that they have dated is probably an allusion to the fact that their voice actors, Dan Schneider and Lisa Lillien, are a married couple.
- They have a shared catchphrase by saying "Oh, no!" when something is wrong with a customer.
Cat and Freddie[]
"Aren't you an handsome boy full of questions?" |
Cat Valentine and Freddie Benson, known as Fat (F/reddie and C/at), are friends.
- Freddie helps Cat (and Sam) by finding out that the bad reviews are fake and helps them find the liars.
- They first appeared together on the iCarly episode, iParty With Victorious, but due to the general lack of interactions between the two casts characters in the episode, their official meeting is in Sam & Cat.
- Additionally, they were in the same place in the Victorious episode Who Did It to Trina?, without being shown to interact.
- They probably keep contact with each other after Freddie got back to Seattle.
- Both can speak Spanish.
Cat and Jade[]
"That is my friend Jade out there! She's the second scariest girl I know!" |
Cat Valentine and Jade West, known as Cade (C/at and J/ade), are close friends. They are main characters on Victorious. They have known each other for a long time.
- Even if Jade appeared only once, it has to be reminded that Cat still interacts with her off-screen when she's at school.
Cat and Robbie[]
"Robbie is in love with me!" |
Cat Valentine and Robbie Shapiro, known as Cabbie (Ca/t and Ro/bbie), are close friends. They first appeared together on Sam & Cat in #TheKillerTunaJump. They have kissed on the Victorious episode, One Thousand Berry Balls.
- Jade states that Cat has a crush on Robbie for forever. She also says that he's her "kinda boyfriend".
- Cat gets angry when she sees Robbie playing the song he wrote for her to Sam.
- Cat says she thought her and Robbie had something special.
- Robbie was jealous of Freddie spending time with Cat, like a boyfriend would be, and even tries to punch him in the stomach.
- Cat says that Robbie's in love with her.
- Cat says twice angrily that Sam flirted with Robbie.
- Cat is shocked when Sam kisses Robbie.
- Cat doesn't want Sam to jump the tuna. After Sam kisses Robbie, Cat says that she doesn't care what happens to Sam because she's too angry against her.
- Cat is concerned when Robbie is still in the tank and goes to save him, only to be knocked down by the tank.
- Robbie asks Cat to go out to dinner with him, just the two of them and Cat says yes.
- Even if Robbie appeared only once, it is suggested that Cat still interacts with him off-screen when she's at school.
- Both can play guitar.
Dice and BJ[]
"Diceberg!" |
Dice Corleone and BJ Malloy are somehow friends since a long time. Dice is usually annoyed by BJ.
- Dice is afraid when he sees BJ again and tries to avoid him.
- They're playing poker together.
- BJ came to Dice's spectacle.
- BJ always called Dice Diceberg to his dismay.
Freddie and Jade[]
"He's a pretty little chunk-a-boy." |
Freddie Benson and Jade West, known as Frade (Fr/eddie and J/ade), are acquaintances.
- They first appeared together on the iCarly episode, iParty With Victorious, but due to the general lack of interactions between the two casts characters in the episode, their official meeting is in Sam & Cat.
- Additionally, they were in the same place in the Victorious episode Who Did It To Trina ?, without being shown to interact.
Freddie and Robbie[]
"We've been hanging out all day" |
Freddie Benson and Robbie Shapiro, known as Frobbie (Fr/eddie and R/obbie), have a one-sided friendship (on Robbie's side) .
- They first appeared together on the iCarly episode, iParty With Victorious, but due to the general lack of interactions between the two casts characters in the episode, their official meeting is in Sam & Cat.
- Additionally, they were in the same place in the Victorious episode Who Did It to Trina? without being shown to interact.
Freddie and Sam[]
"Freddie's in love with me!" |
Freddie Benson and Sam Puckett, known as Seddie (S/am and Fr/eddie) are close friends. They first appeared together on Sam & Cat in #TheKillerTunaJump. They are close friends and have dated on iCarly.
- Even if Freddie appeared only once, it has to be reminded that Sam stills interact with him off-screen, as proven by #ToddlerClimbing.
Goomer and Rita[]
Goomer and Rita Rooney are both fighters. It is hinted in #KnockOut that they have feelings for each other.
Nona and Goomer[]
Nona and Goomer, known as Noomer (N/ona and G/oomer) or Gona (G/oomer and N/ona), are both recurring characters and protagonists of Sam & Cat.
- Both are able to say that Gwen and Ruby are behind Sam and Cat's feud.
- This episode marks the first time that they are shown together.
- Both dyed their hairs with an unusual color (blue for Nona and green for Goomer).
- This episode marks their firsts (and only) direct interactions.
- Counting #TheKillerTunaJump as two episodes, both appeared in 18 episodes, which is exactly 50% of the episodes.
Jade and Nona[]
"Nona." |
Jade West and Nona are characters. They have know each other before their interaction shown in #TheKillerTunaJump.
- Dan Schneider stated that he would like to write more scenes of them because he liked their interaction in the episode.
Jade and Robbie[]
"Hey, Jade!" |
Jade West and Robbie Shapiro, known as Rade (R/obbie and J/ade) are friends. They were main characters on Victorious. They first appeared together on Sam & Cat in #TheKillerTunaJump. They have known each other for a long time.
- Even if they appeared only once, it has to be reminded that they still interact off-screen when they're at school, shown for example in #MommaGoomer.
- They are the reasons on why Cat moved in with Nona, which is one of the driving events of the entire series.
Jade and Sam[]
"This chick's the best!" |
Jade West and Sam Puckett, known as Jam (J/ade and S/am), are friends.
- They first appeared together on the iCarly episode, iParty With Victorious, but due to the general lack of interactions between the two casts characters in the episode, their official meeting is in Sam & Cat.
- Additionally, they were in the same place in one scene of #MommaGoomer, without interacting.
Janice and Sylvia[]
Janice Dobbins and Sylvia Burke are frenemies who previously worked together, but then got in a fight.
- Sam and Cat think that their relationship may become like this one.
Robbie and Sam[]
"Don't take it bad, but you make me sick." |
Robbie Shapiro and Sam Puckett, known as Sobbie (S/am and R/obbie) are friends.
- They first appeared together on the iCarly episode, iParty With Victorious, but due to the general lack of interactions between the two casts characters in the episode, their official meeting is in Sam & Cat.
- Additionally, they were in the same place in one scene of #MommaGoomer, without interacting.
- Sam kissed Robbie but only to make Cat Valentine jealous.
- They probably kept contact with each other.