Sam and Cat Wiki

"I caught you pink-handed!"
Sam to Cat.

Season 1, Episode 11
Jennette, Ariana, Sophia, and Rosie
General information
Air date

September 21, 2013[1]

Prod. code



Dan Schneider & Warren Bell


Adam Weissman


2.321 million[2]

Episode guide




Gallery (images · videos)

#RevengeOfTheBritBrats[3] is the 11th episode of Sam & Cat. This episode marks the second appearance of Gwen and Ruby (Sophia Grace and Rosie).


The episode begins with Sam and Cat breaking the fourth wall by talking to the camera and showing a few scenes from #TheBritBrats. They, however, don't break character, shown by Cat's mispronunciation of the word previously.

A mother comes to pick up her two sons and pays Sam and Cat $60, which Sam keeps. A few minutes later, Gwen and Ruby come to Apartment 22, much to Cat's dismay. Sam opens the door instead and lets Gwen and Ruby inside the apartment. In order to not to get into anymore of the trouble from the girls, Sam grabs the bat just in case. However, Gwen and Ruby say how much they felt sorry for conning Cat and Dice previously. Gwen and Ruby give Cat a can of Bibble, Sam a vibrating motorcycle helmet, and a British toilet plunger. They then leave. Sam and Cat felt astonished and joyful about these gifts.

That night, Sam, Cat, Dice, and Goomer are watching a game show called Get Outta the Pool. While they are occupied, Gwen and Ruby begin sneak into Sam and Cat’s bedroom from the terrace. They then begin to look for the Bibble can that they gave Cat, as part of Gwen's evil plan. Gwen finds it behind a sign that says “Do not look behind this sign." An annoyed Gwen grabs the sign, throws it out, then takes some of the Bibble and sprinkles Bibble crumbs on Sam's bed. As she does, she explains to Ruby about her plan to make Cat and Sam dislike each other to ruin their friendship. They leave with the can so that it will look like Sam ate Cat’s Bibble. After Goomer and Dice leave, Sam offers Cat some "street ham", before going to bed. Cat declines the offer, and goes for her Bibble instead, only to find it gone. Once Cat finds Bibble crumbs around Sam's pillow Cat believes Sam stole it, and yells furiously at Sam. Gwen and Ruby watch through the window happily, as the two argue.

That night, when Sam and Cat are asleep, Gwen begins to tell Ruby to paint Cat's hand pink, as part two for revenge. Gwen starts to spray Sam's motorcycle pink to frame Cat for their mischievous and cunning plan.

The next morning, Sam notices that Cat is still mad at her for eating her Bibble (although it was Gwen and Ruby), although Sam tries to tell her that she didn't took her Bibble. Then she goes to the living room, and she realizes her motorcycle is pink. Furious upon seeing this, Sam shrieks to Cat to come in and she begins to notice the pink on Cat's hand, saying she's caught her "pink-handed." Sam blames it on Cat and believes that she painted her motorcycle pink just to get her revenge, but Cat denies it and leaves. Enraged, Sam argues and fights with Cat. To cool herself off, Sam rips a parking meter off and goes to Punchy's gym with Dice and Goomer while Cat goes to Bots with Nona. Sam and Cat both explain what happened to their respective companions. While in Punchy's, Goomer (suddenly saying something smart) says Gwen and Ruby framed Cat and Sam, so they'd both would fight and ruin their friendship. Sam and Dice admire Goomer's brilliance, but then he says a dumb statement, once again, to their disappointment. Nona says the same thing as Goomer, only taking a bite of pig finger, and complaining about its spiciness, and have a Bot's robot spray fire extinguisher at her. Sam and Cat go home and reunite, then Sam then plans revenge on Gwen and Ruby by making them believe they hate each other even more.

Gwen and Ruby then are passing by Sam and Cat's apartment when they hear Sam and Cat fighting. They hear a thud and go inside to find Sam with Cat, who supposedly has the fancy toilet plunger that Gwen and Ruby gave them in Cat's head, much to their horror. Sam tries to convince Gwen and Ruby to help her to hide Cat's body before the cops show up, but Gwen and Ruby refuse. Gwen and Ruby feel bad for planning to sabotage Sam and Cat's friendship and blame each other, as their argument starts. Ruby says she is going to call Uncle Hubbins to tell him that Gwen fooled Sam and Cat into hating each other. Gwen quickly runs after Ruby, and the two begin to fight, which Sam and Cat happily watch. Cat suggests that they should call Uncle Hubbins what Gwen and Ruby did, which Sam agrees upon. They both then walk towards the phone in slow motion.


Sam: Say it.
Cat: Prevaiously on Sam & Cat
Sam: Previously...
Cat: Previously on Sam & Cat... [flashback to #TheBritBrats]
Cat: [after the flashback] And now...
Sam: New stuff! [poses with Cat]

Cat: [screams in horror]
Sam:Or can I continue eating this ham? [moans] Stay pretty.[enters her and Cat's room] What's your deal?
Cat: Call 991!
Sam: Why?
Cat: [sobs] Somebody snatched my bibble! [lies down on the floor]
Sam: [laughs]
Cat: It's not a joke! My bibble is gone!
Sam: Well, where is it?
Cat: Gone! Oh wait, I smell bibble, I think it's... [stares angrily at Sam]
Sam: What?
Cat: You stole my bibble!
Sam: No, I didn't!
Cat: Oh, yeah? Then why are these little bibble bits all around your pillow? [starts eating them, then spits] Oh god! That was a toenail!

Cat: They wanted makeovers.
Sam: So we made that one into a zombie.
Grady: Brrrrraaaaaiiiinnnssss!
Sam: And he's a...
Grady's brother: I'm a box!!

Goomer: Oh, I get it. It's funny 'cause he's drowning.
TV Announcer: You know, it's funny, 'cause he's drowning.
Tandy: Hello! You pressed your call button many times. Can I help you?
Nona: Yes, my coffee's a little cold.
Tandy: Oh no!
Nona: So could I get another cup?
Tandy: [smacks the cup of coffee out of Nona's hand, which splatters all over another customer] How are your bowls of soup?
Cat // Nona: Fine! // Perfect!
Sam: And who took Cat's bibble?
Dice: Mice?
Sam: It was in a can this big!
Dice: Giant mice?
Cat: [holds up a sign that says "I am not speaking to you"]
Sam: One, I don't care. Two, I didn't take your bibble.
Cat: Yes, you did!
Sam: I thought you weren't speaking to me. [leaves the room]
Cat: [realizes what she did and puts her hand on her forehead]
Goomer: Maybe you shouldn't have taken her bibble.
Sam: You can accuse me of a lot of things, but I never touched Cat's bibble!
Goomer: [puts coin in parking meter] We're good for an hour.

Cat: [hugs Sam]
Sam: You can do this for two more seconds. (quietly) One.. Two.. [slightly pats Cat's back] Ding!!

[Sam notices her motorcycle painted pink]
Sam: [screams furiously] CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!
Cat: Did you find my bibble? Sam?
Cat: Ooh. Your motorcycle's pink.
Sam: I see that!
Cat: Why'd you painted pink?
Sam: I didn't!
Cat: Well, somebody did 'cause now it's pink.
Sam: You did this!
Cat: False!
Sam:: Oh yeah?! Then how'd you get pink paint all over your hand?! Huh?! Pink?! Huh?!
Cat: Whoa, that's so weird. How'd that happen?
Cat: [annoyed] Bibble is not stupid! Your stupid pink motorcycle is stupid! [runs off]
Sam: Oh, you better not scurry off! You are gonna pay to have my motorcycle re-painted!
Cat: I am not!
Sam: You am too!
Cat: No, I amen't!
Sam: Alright...alright...when I get this violently angry...I should just do what my parole officer told me; I'm gonna go outside, I'm gonna find a parking meter, and I'm gonna yank it out of the ground. [storms away and exits apartment, with Gwen and Ruby secretly watching behind the bushes in amazement]
Cat: Oh, yeah? You're not the only one who can exit angrily!... [calmly] but I better get a sweater first cause it's pretty chilly out here. [goes back inside and closes door]

Gwen: [appears out of bushes with Ruby] See, Ruby? Now Sam and Cat hate each other!
Ruby: We've done it!
Gwen: Indeed!
Ruby: Shall we high-five?
Gwen: No! In America, the cool kids now celebrate with a fist bump.
Ruby: Can we try it? [both she and Gwen fist bump]
Gwen: Now we share a jelly doughnut!
Ruby: Brilliant!


  • This episode was in production from April 8 to April 12, 2013.[4]
  • This episode is a sequel to #TheBritBrats and is the second and last appearance of Gwen and Ruby.
  • This is the second time someone Sam & Cat has babysat in the past appears (the first being Chloe, Max and Darby). This is excluding Goomer, since his first appearance was in #NewGoat. The first time was in #NewGoat.
  • This episode title is so far tied for the second longest title with BabysittingCommercial both have 21 letters, the longest being #TheKillerTunaJump, counting the #Freddie #Jade #Robbie part.
  • This episode aired after Nickelodeon's Worldwide Day of Play.
  • This is Ariana Grande's favorite Sam & Cat episode.[5]
  • This is the third episode that features the shortened version of the theme song. The first two were #GoomerSitting and #MommaGoomer.
  • This episode is set a year after Tori Goes Platinum.
  • When Gwen and Ruby came to Apartment 22 at night, Gwen said "Shhh!" and Ruby responded, "I didn't say anything." This is a joke that often appeared on iCarly and Victorious and #BabysittingCommercial.
  • In the Bots scene, Nona briefly wears glasses. Nona is played by Maree Cheatham and the glasses that she wore were similar to the ones Maree wore when she played a driving teacher in Drake & Josh episode "Driver's License".
  • Gwen says they call toilet plungers shove muckers in England, which isn't true in real life.
  • This is the second time that Nona and Goomer appear in the same episode, the first time was in #NewGoat.
  • In the promo, there is a picture of Dan Schneider instead of the fan of the week picture.
  • This is so far the only time Sam doesn't appear at Bots when it is featured in an episode and the only time Cat doesn't appear at Punchy's when it is featured.
  • The motorcycle helmet Sam gets in this episode never returned so it is likely she got a new one.


  • Get Out of the Pool could be based on Celebrities Underwater.
  • The way the boy with a zombie makeover said "Braaaaiiinnns" might be a reference to Plants Vs. Zombies.
  • The ham Sam wants to eat is named Schneider's, as an allusion to Dan Schneider.
  • The title refers to the 1984 film Revenge of the Nerds. And the Arthur episode, Revenge of the Chip.

Character revelations[]


  • When Sam picked up Cat they were facing directly towards the window, they should have seen Gwen and Ruby, though they were too busy fighting.
  • When Gwen and Ruby sneak into Sam and Cat's house while they are watching "Get Out of the Pool!" they leave the sliding glass door open. Sam and Cat should have noticed the open sliding glass door.
  • There is no way that Goomer would have known about the bingo game incident in #TheBritBrats since he wasn't in that episode.
    • It could be possible that Sam, Dice, and Cat told him what happened.
  • You see Goomer trying to put together his severed meat patty, but Sam clearly only picked up the burger and dropped it.
  • Sam and Cat shouldn't know exactly when to start pretending to fight if there was no way they could see Gwen and Ruby from their apartment.
  • It's surprising that Sam and Cat didn't check the presents to see if Gwen and Ruby did anything to them, though Sam readied herself with a bat while receiving the presents.
  • Gwen and Ruby would have been arrested for spray painting Sam's motorcycle as it is considered vandalism.
  • When Sam was tricking Cat with the money, she gave Cat one ten, two fives, and one twenty, but then her hands were empty, which means Sam had 40 dollars, yet earlier she said they got paid 60 dollars.

Running gags[]

  • Cat's Bibble addiction.
  • Cat screaming at the top of her lungs.

Series continuity[]

  • Cat gives one of the boys a zombie makeover just like she did to Tori on Victorious.
  • Cat is still addicted to Bibble.
  • Sam's hatred of the color pink.
  • Sam and Dice saying Goomer said something smart is likely a reference to the Victorious episode Wok Star where André says the same thing about Cat.
  • Sam's criminal history is referenced when she mentions her parole officer.
  • Bungle hosed someone again.
  • Sam doesn't like Cat hugging her (though she's more tolerant of this).
  • Sam still likes eating ham like she did on iCarly.
  • Sam wears the red vest she wore in #BabysitterWar.
  • Sam is seen rinsing her mouth out with Blue Dog Soda.

International premieres[]

  • October 24, 2013 (Australia & New Zealand)
  • November 13, 2013 (Italy)
  • November 15, 2013 (Portugal)
  • November 18, 2013 (UK & Ireland)
  • December 14, 2013 (Latin America)
  • January 20, 2014 (Spain)
  • January 25, 2014 (Germany, Netherlands, Poland)
  • February 12, 2014 (France)
  • March 6, 2014 (Greece)
  • April 13, 2014 (Hungary)


