Sam and Cat Wiki
Sam and Cat Wiki

"Sam and Cat's Super Rockin' Fun Time Babysitting Service is not licensed. Sam and Cat are not legal adults. The young children who appeared in this commercial were paid and told what to say. Sam and Cat claim no legal responsibility for the safety of your children. Sam has a criminal record."
— The commercial that advertises Sam and Cat's babysitting service.

Sam & Cat's Super Rockin' Fun-Time Babysitting Service[1] is a fictional babysitting service providing business founded by Sam Puckett and Cat Valentine in the episode #Pilot. They decided to start the service in order to fund for their crazy adventures.

Their website could be found here but it is now defunct due to the show's cancellation. You can still view the website here.




  • Cat named the business, which Sam points out whenever it comes up as she thinks the name is too long.
  • The name was first featured in #ToddlerClimbing.
  • They were almost ordered to rename their business in the episode #SalmonCat.
  • Along with kids, they also babysit pets and plants.
  • Dice arranged for the girls to have a commercial of their business aired on television during Toilet Wars in #BabysittingCommercial.
  • There are only a few episodes in which Sam and Cat aren't babysitting anything.
  • They are listed on a website in which parents can post reviews. George, Grant, and Richard posted 14 fake negatives reviews here.
  • The Lil' Sam & Cat Show episode #BikesBeGone, which aired after #KnockOut, counted that they babysat 44 kids.
    • They didn't count Dice in #SecretSafe because he's too old to be babysat. It makes 45 with him.
    • It only counts kids, so it doesn't count Murf, Goomer and the plant from #BabysittingCommercial. With them, it makes 48.

