Sam and Cat Wiki

The series Sam & Cat is a spin-off/crossover of the popular series Victorious and iCarly. It has since premiered in many countries in many different languages. Most airings have the dialogue translated, but the theme song is still in English.


The series premiered on September 29, 2013 on Nickelodeon.


The series premiered on Nickelodeon in the Netherlands and Belgium from September 28, 2013.

Character Dubbed actor
Sam Puckett Pip Pellens
Cat Valentine Stéphanie van Rooijen


In France, the series premiered on October 30, 2013 on Nickelodeon. It premiered in Quebec, Canada on December 31, 2013 on VRAK.TV.

Character Dubbed actor
Sam Puckett Marie Millet
Cat Valentine Laëtitia Godès
Dice Corleone Benjamin Bollen
Nona Sylvie Ferrari
Goomer Benjamin Pascal
Bungle, BJ, Sharon Torso Brigitte Aubry
Dilben, Richard Thomas Sagols
Butler Torso, Ruby, Jarvis, Alexa Biggly, Ellie Farber Marie Nonnenmacher
Gwen, Daisy, Sophie, Oscar Lurkin Corinne Martin
Justin Fever, Grant Romain Redler
John Zakappa Stéphane Ronchewski
George Rémi Caillebot
Mrs. Merr Isabelle Miller
Erwin Sikowitz Guillaume Orsat
Jasper Eric Missoffe
Janice Dobbins Martine Meirhaeghe
Sylvia Burke Coco Noël
Peezy B Philippe Bozo
Jade West Olivia Luccioni
Freddie Benson Mathias Casartelli
Robbie Shapiro Stéphane Marais
Name of the episode Literal translation
#NouvelleColocataire #NewRoomate
#SériePréférée #FavoriteShow
#PetitesTerreursAnglaises #LittleEnglishTerrors
#ChèvreInterdite #ForbiddenGoat
#CompétitionDeTextos #TextingCompetition
#GuerreDesBabysitters #BabysittersWar
#GoomerSitting #GoomerSitting
#BébésGrimpeurs #ToddlerClimbers
#MamanGoomer #MomGoomer
#Publicité #Commercial
#LaRevancheDeGwenEtRuby #GwenAndRuby'sRevenge
#LeMystèreDeLaMotoVolée #StolenMotorcycleMystery
#CoffreFortSecret #SecretSafe
#OscarLaPoisse #OscarJinx
#PoupéeSitting #DollSitting
#PeezyB #PeezyB
#SalmonCat #SalmonCat
#Jumaladie #Twinsease (combination of "Jumeau", meaning twin and "maladie", meaning disease)
#MonOursAdoré #MyLovedBear
#DingueDeChaussures #MadOfShoes
#DistributeurMagique #MagicATM
#Corpuleux Another "fake" word
#LeSautDeLaMort: #Freddie #Jade #Robbie #TheDeathfulJump: #Freddie #Jade #Robbie
#JourChouette #HappyDay
#CerveauCrush #BrainCrush
#BlueDog #BlueDog
#PoupéeDeFresno #DollFromFresno
#DansLaBoite #InTheBox


The series airs on Nickelodeon from February 24, 2014. Ιt airs from Monday to Sunday at 9 pm.


The show premiered on September 28, 2013 on Nickelodeon and airs on Saturdays.

Character Dubbed actor
Sam Puckett Anne Helm
Cat Valentine Jill Schulz
Dice Vincent Borko
Nona Katarina Tomaschewsky
Goomer Jaron Löwenberg
Gwen Zalina Sanchez
Melinda Esra Vural
Mrs. Merr Anke Reitzenstein


Sam & Cat premiered on the Hungarian Nickelodeon on February 16, 2014.

Character Dubbed actor
Sam Puckett Laudon Andrea
Cat Valentine Bogdányi Titanilla
Dice Bogdán Gergő
Goomer Horváth Gergő
Nona Halász Aranka


In Italy, the series premiered on November 4, 2013. It airs from Mondays to Fridays.

Character Dubbed actor
Sam Puckett Jenny De Cesarei
Cat Valentine Monica Bonetto
Dice Simone Lupinacci
Nona Caterina Rochira
Goomer Luca Bottale
Name of the episode Literal translation
#L'incontra #TheMeeting
#ProgrammaPreferito #FavoriteShow
#PiccoleTruffatrici #LittleScammers
#LaCapretta #TheGoat
#PolliciVeloci #QuickThumbs
#LaMigliorBabysitter #TheBestBabysitter
#GoomerSitter #GoomerSitter
#ConcorrenzaSleale #UnfairCompetition
#LaMammaDiGoomer #Goomer'sMom
#Pubblicità #Commercial
#IlRitornoDelleInglesine #TheReturnOfTheBritish
#MotoSparita #DisappearedMotorcycle
#Segreti #Secret
#IlPoveroOscar #PoorOscar
#Halloween #Halloween
#PeezyB #PeezyB
#SalmonCat #SalmonCat
#Gemellite Refers to a disease caused by a twin
#IlMioOrsacchiotto #MyTeddyBear
#ScarpetteRosa #PinkShoe
#PrelievoMusicale #MusicalWithdraw
#Lumpaccioso Italian version of "#Lumpatious"
#IlSaltoDelTonno: #Freddie #Jade #Robbie #TheTunaJump: #Freddie #Jade #Robbie
#GiornoDelloYay #DayOfYay
#BrainCrush #BrainCrush
#BluDog #BlueDog
#Errori #Errors
#LaBambola #TheDoll
#Inscatolata #Canned


NHK Educational Television has been broadcasting the show from April 2, 2014.

Character Dubbed actor
Sam Puckett Sanae Kobayashi
Cat Valentine Shimizu Risa
Dice Kōki Miyata
Nona Nomura Sumako
Goomer Onishi KenHaru


The series premiered on October 11, 2013 on Nickelodeon (Southeast Asia). The series is included with subtitles in Malay. Episode titles remained the same, however the subtitles show the episode title in Malay. It airs on weekdays at 4.30pm and on weekends at 2.00pm. The audio language is still the original, in English.

Name of the episode

Literal translation

#Pilot #Pilot
#ProgramKegemaran #FavoriteShow
#Budak-budakIngerrisYangNakal #TheNaughtyBritishKids
#KambingBaru #NewGoat
#PertandingTexs #TextingCompetition
#PerangPengasuh #WarOfTheBabysitters
#GoomerSitting #GoomerSitting
#AnakKecilMemanjat #LittleToddlerClimbing
#IbuGoomer #Goomer'sMom
#KomersialPengjaga #TheBabysittingTVCommerical
#AnakIngerrisBalasDendam #TheRevengefTheBritishKids
#MisteriMotisikal #MysteryOfTheMotorcycle
#PetiSimpanRashia #SecretSafe
#OscarTheOuch #OscarTheOuch
#MenjagaPatung #TakingCareOfADoll
#PeezyB #PeezyB
#SalmonCat #SalmonCat
#PenyakitTwinfection #TheTwinfectionDisease
#PooberKecilSaya #MyLittlePoober
#KasutMerah #PinkShoe
#MagicATM #MagicATM
#PerkataanItu #ThatWord
#LompatanTuna: #Freddie #Jade #Robbie #TheTunaJump: #Freddie #Jade #Robbie
#OtakHancur #CrushedBrains
#SodaBiru #BlueSoda
#GettingWiggly:Episod Terakhir #GettingWiggly:The Final Episode


The series premiered on September 29, 2014 on Nickelodeon.

Character Dubbed actor
Sam Puckett Tiril Heide-Steen


Sam & Cat premiered in the Philippines in October 2013 on Nickelodeon. It airs on weekdays (excluding Friday) at 5:30pm and weekends at 3pm.


Sam & Cat premiered in Poland on September 28, 2013 on Nickelodeon, and it mostly from 2013 to Fall/Winter 2014 aired on Sunday evenings. Since 2015, it airs on weekday evenings.

Character Dubbed actor
Sam Puckett Ola Traczyńska
Cat Valentine Hania Konarowska
Dice Maciek Falana
Nona Joanna Jędryka
Goomer Norbert Kaczorowski
Gwen Martyna Sommer
Ruby Julia Siechowicz
Oscar Jakub Jankiewicz
Name of the episode Original name Literal translation


The series airs on Saturdays after premiering October 19, 2013 in Brazil. In Portugal, it airs Mondays to Fridays from November 4, 2013.


Brazil actor

Portugal actor
Sam Puckett Ana Lúcia Menezes
Cat Valentine Flora Paulita
Dice Eduardo Drummond
Nona Ângela Bonatti
Goomer Leo Rabelo


Sam & Cat airs in Russia on Nickelodeon.


The series airs on Saturdays after it premiered on October 19, 2013 in Latin America. It airs from Mondays to Fridays starting November 4, 2013 in Spain.

Character Latin America actor Spain actor
Sam Puckett Alondra Hidalgo Catherina Martínez
Cat Valentine Andrea Orozco Sara Heras
Dice Benjamín Shizuru
Nona Maru Guzmán
Goomer Christian Strempler
Gwen Melissa Gutiérrez
Ruby Zoe Mora


The series premiered on September 29, 2013 on Nickelodeon.


It airs every Monday on Nickelodeon after premiering on November 11, 2013.

