Sam and Cat Wiki

Ally Moves In is the fifth episode in Season 2 of Freddie & Robbie. It was published on November 12th, 2021.


Ally moves in with Freddie & Robbie.


  • Ally is officially promoted to a main character starting with this episode.
  • The entire episode takes place in one location; Freddie & Robbie's apartment.
    • Due to this, the entire episode can be considered a bottle episode.
  • This episode was published one day after Veterans Day.
  • Ending Tagline: "I can tell from the look on her face." -Rex

Character revelations[]

  • Ever since Robbie moved out, Ally started missing him.

Series continuity[]

  • Tori Vega from Victorious is mentioned.
  • Hollywood Arts High School is also mentioned.
  • Spencer Shay from iCarly is mentioned.
  • Spaghetti tacos appear as they were previously shown/mentioned in iCarly and Victorious.
  • Freddie speaks Spanish like he did in iCarly.