Sam and Cat Wiki

The episode starts off with Freddie & Robbie watching some Drake & Josh when a knock is heard at the door

"Who could that be?" Robbie asked

"Go find out." Freddie replied

"Yeah go find out." Rex says

Robbie goes to answer the door and sees his sister on the other side

"Hi Robbie." Ally says

"Ally?" Robbie says in shock

"What's she doing here?" Freddie asked

"Yeah what are you doing here?" Robbie asked

"I had a nightmare and mom and dad told me to come stay with you until I stop being scared." Ally says in a tone meaning she's lying

"Aren't you too old to be having nightmares?" Rex asked

"Rex! Well come on in Ally. You can stay in the guest room." Robbie said

"Thanks." Ally says

Ally comes in with a suitcase

"Hi Freddie." Ally said

"Sup Ally." Freddie says

Ally goes to put her stuff in the guest room

"So she's going to be staying with us for awhile?" Rex asked

"Rex she's my sister." Robbie said

"Whatever she was scared of, it should go away soon." Freddie says

The next day, Ally walks in the kitchen

"Hey how you feeling?" Freddie asked

"What do you mean?" Ally replies

"Are you still scared from your nightmare?" Robbie asked

"Oh uh yea. I had it again last night. Can I stay the night again?" Ally asks

"You're 12 years old and you're scared of nightmares?" Rex asked

"Hush puppet." Ally said

"Well sure you can stay for another night." Robbie says

"Thanks." Ally says

"Well we got to get to school. Bye Freddie." Robbie says

"Bye guys." Freddie says

"See ya." Ally said

Robbie and Ally walk out the apartment

"Something feels suspicious." Freddie said in his thoughts

A couple days have passed and Ally is still living with Freddie & Robbie

Mrs. Shapiro is at the apartment making spaghetti tacos for dinner

"Thanks for making us spaghetti tacos grandma." Robbie said

"You're welcome Robbie." Mrs. Shapiro said

"My friend Spencer used to make them all the time for us." Freddie said

"That was nice of him." Mrs. Shapiro says

"Robbie does your sister normally have nightmares?" Freddie asked

"Very rarely. She's only scared for one night." Robbie replied

"Well she's been here for 4 days." Rex says

"I'm starting to think she's not really scared." Freddie said

"That's what Tori said to me at school today. Now if Ally isn't scared then why else would she be staying this long?" Robbie asked

"Dummy she obviously misses you." Rex says

"Why didn't she just tell me?" Robbie asked

"Maybe she feels embarrassed to tell you." Mrs. Shapiro said

"Yeah I mean you are a good friend, but have you met you?" Freddie asked

"Well I'm going to go talk to her." Robbie said

"Good luck Rob." Freddie says

"Well I'm heading back to my elder home." Mrs. Shapiro said

"Bye Mamaw." Robbie said

Robbie walk in Ally's room who is playing on her phone

"Hey Ally can I talk with you for a minute?" Robbie asked

"Sure Robbie, what's up?" Ally asked

"Freddie and Rex are telling me that you're not really scared from your nightmare. Is this true?" Robbie asked

Ally is shown with a worried face meaning she was lying the whole time

"See she's lying. I can tell from the look on her face." Rex says

"Ally why would you lie to me?" Robbie asked

"Okay the truth is I miss you." Ally replied

"You do?" Robbie asks

"Uh huh. I barely see you anymore and I wanted to live with you again. So I faked having a nightmare, packed all my stuff and moved in with you and Freddie." Ally replies

"You could have just talked to me about it." Robbie says

"I know. I'm sorry that I didn't." Ally said

Freddie walks in hearing everything

"I heard everything. Ally that is so sweet for what you said." Freddie said

"Thanks Freddie." Ally said

"Do you still want to live with us?" Freddie asked

"Are you serious?" Ally asks

"Yeah you can totally stay with us as long as you want." Robbie replied

"Thanks guys." Ally said

"Are your parents okay with it?" Freddie asked

"Yeah they totally understand." Ally replied

"They drove you off and were happy weren't they?" Robbie asked

"How'd you know?" Ally replied

"Cause that's what they did to me when I decided to live with grandma before I moved here with Freddie." Robbie said

"Man you're parents sound horrible." Freddie said

"We know." Robbie said

"Thanks again for letting me move in guys." Ally said

"No problema." Freddie said

"Welcome to the Nerd Club." Rex says

"Don't push it puppet." Ally said

The End

Ending Tagline: "I can tell from the look on her face." -Rex