Sam and Cat Wiki

The episode starts off with Robbie building a machine when Freddie walks in

"Hey Robbie whatcha working on over there?" Freddie asked

"Oh hey Freddie. I have to build a machine for my school's science fair." Robbie replied

"Wait Hollywood Arts has a science fair?" Freddie asked

"Yes, yes it does." Robbie said

"Only nerds care about science fairs." Rex said

"I care about science fairs." Freddie said

"Me too." Robbie says

"Figures since you're both nerds." Rex said

"So what machine are you making?" Freddie asked

"A portal that takes you to another dimension." Robbie replied

"Does it work?" Freddie asked

"I'm just now finishing it up on it." Robbie replied

Robbie finishes the machine and turns it on

"It works." Robbie said

"Up top." Freddie said

Freddie tries to give Robbie a high five but trips on a cord which causes him and Robbie to fall into the portal taking them to another dimension

"Freddie are you okay?" Robbie asked

"Yeah." Freddie says

"Good going. Now we're in another dimension." Rex says

"It looks a lot like our dimension." Robbie said

"Let's see if anyone can help us at that apartment." Freddie says

The apartment is none other than Sam & Cat's apartment from Sam & Cat

Robbie rings the doorbell and Cat answers

"Hi Robbie." Alternate Dimension Cat said

"Cat you live here?" Robbie asked

"Yes you and Jade convinced me to live with Nona remember?" Alternate Dimension Cat asked

"Cat who's at the door?" Alternate Dimension Sam asked

"Sam you live here too?" Freddie asked

"Gee did those tuna fish bite your brains out?" Alternate Dimension Sam asked

"Shouldn't you be in the hospital?" Alternate Dimension Cat asked

"No why would we?" Freddie asked

"Wait I think I know what happened. When we fell into my dimension portal, it must have takes us to this dimension where Sam & Cat are living together instead of us." Robbie said

"You don't say." Rex says

"So we have been in a different dimension this whole time?" Alternate Dimension Cat asked

"No Cat. They're from another dimension." Alternate Dimension Sam replied

"Correct. So Robbie how are we going to get back to our dimension?" Freddie asked

"Crud I didn't think this far." Robbie said

"So we're stuck here?" Freddie asked

"Good going Robbie!" Rex yelled

"Shut up Rex." Robbie says

"Wait why did you even build a dimension portal anyways?" Alternate Dimension Sam asked

"In our dimension, my school is making us build stuff for the science fairs." Robbie replied

"Oh I love science fairs." Cat said

"Is there anyway you can help us?" Freddie asked

"Sure." Alternate Dimension Sam said

"We can help too." Alternate Dimension Tori said

"How long have you been standing there?" Alternate Dimension Cat asked

"Long enough to hear that these two from a different dimension." Alternate Dimension Jade replied

"Crud I just realized your sister is still in our dimension." Freddie said

"I know. She's at cheer leading camp remember?" Robbie asks

"Oh yeah." Freddie replied

"Okay let's build you guys a device so you can get back to your own time period." Alternate Dimension Jade says

"We need parts to build it." Alternate Dimension Tori said

"Thanks Catherine obvious." Alternate Dimension Cat said

"It's Captain not Catherine." Alternate Dimension Sam said

"Oh." Alternate Dimension Cat says

"Hey Vega remember when you thought it was Catherine?" Alternate Dimension Jade asks

"Ha ha." Alternate Dimension Tori sarcastically says

"Where are we going to get parts to build our machine?" Robbie asked

"The store. Duh." Alternate Dimension Jade replied

"Okay let's go." Freddie said

"After this break." Alternate Dimension Sam said breaking the 4th wall

Robbie Shapiro TheSlap Update: Freddie and I are still stuck in another dimension. Hope I get back in time before the science fair. FEELING: Anxious

Freddie, Robbie and Alternate Dimensions Sam, Cat, Tori and Jade are building a machine to send Freddie & Robbie back to their town

"And we're back from this break." Alternate Dimension Sam says breaking the 4th wall again

"Stop breaking the 4th wall!" Alternate Dimension Tori said

"Geez Vega calm down." Alternate Dimension Jade says

"So what's it like in your dimension?" Alternate Dimension Cat asked

"Nothing different than your dimension I guess." Robbie replied

"In our dimension, we're living together and Sam & Cat aren't living together but in their dimension, we aren't living together and Sam & Cat are." Freddie adds

"At least in both dimensions, you're dating Sam and I'm dating Cat." Robbie says

"We also have a friend who has big fuzzy hair and another friend who is an MMA fighter." Alternate Dimension Sam said

"Where is that Dice guy at anyways?" Alternate Dimension Jade asked

"He's training Goomer right now." Alternate Dimension Cat replied

"I still don't know how or why a 13 year old is training a guy who's almost 30 and has the same personality as Cat." Alternate Dimension Tori said

"For money." Alternate Dimension Sam says

"Don't Dice and Goomer have friends their own age?" Alternate Dimension Tori asked

"I don't know." Alternate Dimension Cat replied

"To be fair Spencer never hangs out with friends his own age since he was always taking care of Carly." Freddie said

"His loss." Rex says

"Even in your dimension you have that puppet with you?" Alternate Dimension Jade says

"Give it a rest Jade." Alternate Dimension Tori said

"Don't tell me what to do Vega." Alternate Dimension Jade says

"Guess some things stay the same in different dimensions." Robbie said

"Hey in your dimension, is Trina a good singer?" Alternate Dimension Jade asked

Robbie laughs at this for a few seconds

"No." Robbie replied

"Maybe Trina can sing when she's home alone and when she's with people or when someone walks in while she's singing, it causes her to sing bad." Freddie said

"That's ridiculous." Alternate Dimension Sam says

"He could be right." Alternate Dimension Cat said

"If she can sing when she's home alone then why doesn't she record it?" Alternate Dimension Tori asked

"Maybe she does but when she plays it to other people, it causes it to sound horrible." Alternate Dimension Cat replied

"Enough talk about Tori's suck fish of a sister." Alternate Dimension Jade says

"How much longer until we finish?" Freddie asked

"We just started." Alternate Dimension Sam replies

"Hey Robbie in your dimension, does your grandma like me?" Alternate Dimension Cat asked

"Nope." Robbie replies

"Of course not." Alternate Dimension Cat says

Cat's Nona walks up

"Hello everyone." Nona says

"Hi Nona." Alternate Dimension Cat said

"What's going on here?" Nona asked

Cat whispers everything to Nona telling her what happened

"Okay I'm caught up." Nona said

"So in your dimension did one of us have a tuna jump thing?" Alternate Dimension Sam asked

"Yeah Beck did." Robbie replied

"My boyfriend." Alternate Dimension Jade said

"When I met him, we started hanging out a lot and Robbie got jealous so he contacted Sam from my dimension and they started hanging out." Freddie replied

"Then Beck gave Freddie the idea to steal Cat from our dimension and things get out of control." Robbie replies

"Did you guys make up?" Alternate Dimension Tori asked

"Yeah but our Sam & Cat got injured." Robbie replied

"Hey didn't the Freddie & Robbie of this dimension get injured by tuna fish?" Nona asked

"Yes and I have it posted to TheSlap and SplashFace." Alternate Dimension Jade said

"With over a million views." Alternate Dimension Sam says

"That was just cruel of you to do that." Alternate Dimension Tori said

"Thanks." Alternate Dimension Jade says

"So I guess different things do happen in different dimensions." Robbie says

"No dip Sherlock." Rex said

"Sam kissed my Robbie and said he was gross." Alternate Dimension Cat says

"Ha even in this dimension, girls find you unattractive." Rex says

"Shut up Rex." Robbie said

A few hours later, the machine is finally done

"It's finished!" Alternate Dimension Tori says

"We know Vega!" Alternate Dimension Jade said

"Thank you so much." Freddie says

"That'll be $500." Alternate Dimension Sam says

"Sam!" Everyone but Alternate Dimension Sam says

"I'm kidding." Alternate Dimension Sam says

"Ready Freddie?" Robbie asked

"I'm ready." Freddie replied

Freddie & Robbie steps in the portal and they disappear

"So what now?" Nona asked

Robbie Shapiro TheSlap Update: At the science fair! The judges are viewing my project. FEELING: Nervous

Scene is now at Hollywood Arts High School for the science fair where Helen and Lane are judging Robbie's project

"Alright Shapiro tell us about this gizmo device." Helen said

"It's a dimension machine. It lets you go to any dimension you want." Robbie says

"Does it work?" Lane asked

"Yes it does. Freddie and I accidentally got sent to one a few hours ago." Robbie said

"We took some pictures." Freddie says

"Well lets see them." Helen says

Freddie shows Helen and Lane a picture of him, Robbie, Alternate Dimensions of Sam, Cat, Jade and Tori

"I don't see anything different." Helen said

"In that dimension, Cat is living with an iCarly star, Sam Puckett. But in this dimension she's not living with Sam." Robbie says

"Wow that is different." Helen says

"Robbie this is a great machine. First prize." Lane says

"Congratulations Shapiro." Helen said

"Sorry Sinjin but your robot machine gets second prize." Lane said

"Eh better than nothing." Sinjin says

"You'll do better next year." Burf said

"There won't be a next year since I'm graduating this school year." Sinjin said

"Weren't you supposed to graduate back in 2012?" Burf asked

"So I got held back a couple times. Big deal. Some people can graduate at 20." Sinjin replied

Helen hands Robbie a ribbon and Freddie gives him a hug

"You did it Robbie. Congrats." Freddie says

"Thanks Freddie." Robbie says

The End

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