Sam and Cat Wiki

Heat Wave is the eleventh episode in Season 2 of Freddie & Robbie. It was published on February 16th, 2022.


A heatwave hits LA so the gang cools off in their secret room which is revealed to have a pool. Ally ends up revealing that she can't swim so Robbie, Robbie's grandma and Freddie teaches her.


  • Absent: Jake Farrow as Rex Powers.
  • This episode uses a heatwave plot which was the plots to the iCarly episode iBeat the Heat and the Victorious episode Survival of the Hottest.
  • This is considered a bottle episode.
  • It is revealed that there are two secret rooms in the apartment.
  • Ending Tagline: "Part of my body itches but I can't say where." -Robbie

Character revelations[]

  • Ally didn't know how to swim.

Series continuity[]

  • Events to the iCarly episode iBeat the Heat and Victorious episode Survival of the Hottest are mentioned.