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Nanny Troubles is the fifteenth episode in Season 1 of Freddie & Robbie. It was published on July 10th, 2021.


When the police finds out that Freddie and Robbie are unlicensed babysitters, they tell the guys that they need to get a license ASAP, or they will go to jail. Robbie calls his friend Sinjin Van Cleef (from Victorious) and he helps Freddie and Robbie by making them licenses to be legal babysitters.


  • Absent: Jake Farrow as Rex Powers.
  • Michael Eric Reid guest stars as his Victorious character, Sinjin Van Cleef.
  • Rex is not seen nor mentioned in this episode.
  • Ending Tagline: "He won't suspect a thing" -Sinjin.

Character revelations[]

  • Up until this episode, Freddie & Robbie were unlicensed babysitters.

Series continuity[]

  • David Vega and Sinjin Van Cleef from Victorious return in this episode.
  • Freddie spoke Spanish in this episode like he did on iCarly.