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The episode starts off with Freddie searching at the reviews from their babysitting service

"Hey Freddie whatcha doing?" Robbie asked

"I'm looking at the reviews from our babysitting service." Freddie replied

"Any good reviews?" Robbie asked

"Yeah we got over a hundred good reviews." Freddie replies

"Man people really like us babysitting their kids." Robbie said

The doorbell rings

"Who's at the door?" Freddie asked

"I'll go see." Robbie said

Robbie opens the door and sees Tori's dad Mr. Vega at the other side

"Oh hi Mr. Vega." Robbie said

"Robbie you live here?" Mr. Vega asked

"Uh huh. This is my roommate Freddie." Robbie says

"Hola." Freddie says

"Why are you even here?" Robbie asked

"I was told you two have a babysitting service." Mr. Vega said

"If you want us to babysit Tori and Trina, they're too old to be babysat." Robbie says

"Not that. Do you have a license for your babysitting?" Mr. Vega asked

"You need a license to babysit?" Freddie asked

"I'm afraid if you don't get a babysitting license by the end of the week, I'll have to shut you down." Mr. Vega says

"You can't do that." Freddie says

"Actually he can." Robbie says

"Yeah I'm a cop." Mr. Vega said

Mr. Vega walks out

"What are we going to do? I don't wanna get shut down." Freddie says

"We won't. But let's get lunch first. I'm hungry." Robbie said

At Bots, Freddie, Robbie and Mrs. Shapiro are eating lunch as Freddie and Robbie tell Mrs. Shapiro what happened

"Wait a police officer came by your place and told you he will shut you down if you don't get a license to babysit?" Mrs. Shapiro asked

"Uh huh." Freddie said

"Since when do you need a license to babysit?" Mrs. Shapiro asked

"I don't know. I'm supposed to know things." Freddie says

"Robbie why aren't you freaking out?" Mrs. Shapiro asked

"Yeah aren't you scared we might get shut down?" Freddie asked

"No cause I know a guy who can help us get a license." Robbie says

"Who?" Mrs. Shapiro asked

"You know my friend Sinjin?" Robbie asked

"Yeah." Mrs. Shapiro asked

"What's a Sinjin?" Freddie asked

"He's a good but weird friend of mine at Hollywood Arts. He's good at hacking stuff and making stuff." Robbie replied

"And you think he'll get you guys a babysitting license?" Mrs. Shapiro asked

"Yeah let me call him." Robbie said

Robbie gets out his phone and dials Sinjin's number

Scene cuts to a house where Sinjin is shown as the audience cheers

"Hi this is Sinjin." Sinjin says

A split screen is shown with Sinjin on one side and Robbie on the other side

"Sinjin I need your help." Robbie said

"Robbie what's wrong?" Sinjin asked

"You know how I do a babysitting service with my friend Freddie?" Robbie asked

"Yeah why?" Sinjin asked

"Well Tori's dad came by and said if we don't get a license to babysit, he will shut us down." Robbie said

"You need a license to babysit?" Sinjin asked

"Apparently. Can you help us get a license. Or just make one yourself." Robbie says

"Sure I just need a pic of your friend Freddie then I'll get right on it." Sinjin said

"Okay I'll text you a pic. Thanks Sinjin." Robbie said

"No problem." Sinjin says

Robbie hangs up

"So?" Freddie asked

"He's going to make one for us." Robbie said

"Sweet. We should head home." Freddie says

"Grandma can you pay for the food?" Robbie asked

"I..." Mrs. Shapiro says but Freddie and Robbie head out

"Thanks grandma!" Robbie yelled

"Why do I always have to pay for the food?" Mrs. Shapiro asks herself

At Freddie & Robbie's place, Freddie is pacing back and forth

"Where is he?" Freddie asked

"Relax. I'm sure he's on his way." Robbie said

The doorbell rings

"It's open!" Freddie yelled

Sinjin walks in with the licenses as the audience cheers again

"I'm here." Sinjin said

"Finally." Robbie says

"So you're Freddie?" Sinjin asked

"Uh huh." Freddie said

"Wow Sinjin these look real but it's fake." Robbie says

"I know." Sinjin said

"You sure these will fool Mr. Vega?" Freddie asked

"Yes he won't suspect a thing." Sinjin said

Doorbell rings

"He's here. Sinjin leave through the back." Robbie says

"Kay Kay." Sinjin said

Sinjin leaves through the back as Freddie opens the door and sees Mr. Vega

"Hello." Freddie said

"Did you two get your babysitting licenses?" Mr. Vega asked

"Yes here you go." Robbie says

Mr. Vega scans the licenses and it says they're real

"Alright looks like you get to keep your jobs as babysitters. You have yourselves a good night" Mr. Vega said

"You too Mr. Vega." Robbie says

Mr. Vega leaves as Robbie closes the door and high fives Freddie

"We did it. We fooled him." Robbie said

"Your friend Sinjin is such a genius." Freddie said

"He's a great friend but can be weird." Robbie says

"It's Hollywood. Almost everyone is weird." Freddie said

"I'll give you that." Robbie said

The End

Ending Tagline: "He won't suspect a thing" -Sinjin