#PsychoRevenge is a special fanfiction story of Sam & Cat. Like the other specials, it features returning stars from ICarly and Victorious.
Nora Dershlit returns joins forces with fellow iCarly villains such as Nevel Papperman, Missy Robinson, Valerie and Steven Carson who recently started dating Fawn Liebowitz as she wants revenge on Tori. They kidnap Cat and Tori and hold them hostage in a wishing well. Sam, Dice, Freddie, André, Jade, Beck, Trina and Robbie team up to save their friends before it's too late.
- This is the third Sam & Cat special.
- This special is a sequel to the iCarly episodes iPsycho and iStill Psycho along with the Sam & Cat episode; #SuperPsycho.
- This special has fellow iCarly villains teaming up for revenge.
- Crazy Ponnie from Victorious joins the club so she can get revenge on Tori by kidnapping her and Cat.
- While #TheKillerTunaJump is an hour long and #SuperPsycho is 45 minutes long, this special is an hour and six minutes long as there are extended scenes in all four acts.
- Unlike the other specials; this special has a total of 11 returning characters from iCarly and Victorious.
- This episode takes place on March 24, 2015.
- This is the third crossover between the iCarly and Victorious casts after iParty with Victorious and #TheKillerTunaJump.
- #SuperPsycho does not count since no Victorious characters, aside from Cat, appears.
- Just like #TheKillerTunaJump, not all the cast members appear.
- While the entire main cast of Victorious appears, Carly and Spencer Shay from iCarly are not present.
- Goomer and Nona do not appear in this episode.
- View the transcript here.
- Like #SuperPsycho, this episode is a parody of Silence of the Lambs.
- Dice points out the innuendo from iParty with Victorious when he hears how Beck and Jade were in a hot tub with Sikowitz and Spencer.
Character revelations[]
- Cat and Jade, along with Tori are now in college as this takes place in 2015.
- Steven Carlson recently started dating Crazy Ponnie due to her hatred of Tori Vega.
- Jade hates puzzles just like Sam and Dice.
- Tori likes puzzles just like Cat.
- André ships Cabbie.
- While Dice mentions that Goomer had not seen Cat prior to finding out she's been kidnapped, nothing about Nona seeing Cat is referenced.
Series continuity[]
- Missy Robinson and Valerie from iCarly return in this episode.
- Tori Vega, André Harris, Beck Oliver, Trina Vega and Fawn Liebowitz from Victorious return in this episode.
- Although Tori, André and Beck previous made non speaking cameos back in #MommaGoomer.
- As of this episode, all of the main Victorious characters have officially returned.
- Gibby Gibson, Nora Dershlit and Nevel Papperman return after last being seen in #SuperPsycho.
- This takes place a year after #SuperPsycho.
- Jade West, Robbie Shapiro and Freddie Benson return after last being seen in #TheKillerTunaJump.
- Missy and Valerie still hate iCarly (mainly Sam) due to the events of iWill Date Freddie and iReunite With Missy.
- The events to Crazy Ponnie, Wanko’s Warehouse, as well as the crossover event iParty With Victorious are mentioned.
- This is the first episode to officially mention the events to iParty with Victorious.
- Carly and Spencer Shay, along with Melanie Puckett are mentioned.
- This is the first time Spencer is directly referenced.
- Mr. Vega from Victorious is mentioned and is still a cop.
- Erwin Sikowitz and Lane Alexander are also mentioned.
- Sam calls Freddie "Fredbag" like she did in iCarly.
- Sam still has her Butter sock.
- Jade still has her scissors she got from Cat in A Christmas Tori.
- Freddie still hates his and Robbie's ship name "Frobbie" from #TheKillerTunaJump.
- Nevel says his old iCarly catchphrase; “You’ll rue the day, rue it!”.
- Dice mentioning his mom and aunt attending another puzzle-con references #SecretSafe.
- Cat still getting names wrong as she calls Nevel "Nibbles" just like she did in #SuperPsycho and still calling Sam "Sam Puckle".
- Gibby mentions the events to the iCarly episode iOpen a Restaurant as well as mentioning Mr. Howard.
- Beck references the iCarly episode iGot Detention when he states he remembers Carly and Sam writing "Mr. Howard Eats Pants".