The title appears on the screen reading #PsychoRevenge
The story starts off at Apartment #22 where Cat is working on another project that is for college but she is doing it by herself as Tori hasn't shown up yet while Sam, Dice and Jade are watching a wrestling match on TV
"Hey Cat how's our project coming along?" Jade asked
"It would be great if I had some help." Cat replies
"I'm sure it would." Sam said
Doorbell rings
"Ding dong!" Cat yelled
"Dice go answer it!" Sam demanded
"Now!" Jade also demanded
"Bossy." Dice says
"DON'T SAY I'M BOSSY!" Jade snapped
Dice goes to answer the door and sees Tori Vega (Victoria Justice reprising her role from Victorious) as the audience cheers
"Hello." Dice says
"Hi, uh what are you and why do you have nice hair?" Tori asked
"Tori come in!" Cat says
Tori comes inside and sees Sam and has a freaked out look on her face
"Uh can I help you?" Sam asked
"Sorry for a sec I thought you were this crazy chick, Ponnie. Wait, Sam is that you?" Tori asked
"Uh nope I'm uh Melanie." Sam lies
"Tori how do you know Sam?" Cat asked
"Duh from iCarly and we all met each other at that party when I was dating Steven Carson." Tori replies
"Who's Steven Carson?" Dice asked
"Dice if you're an iCarly fan then how do you not know that Steven cheated on Carly and Tori?" Sam asked
"I remember that party. Beck and I were spending the night in that hot tub with Sikowiz and that Spencer dude." Jade says
"I had throat problems." Cat said
"Wait hold on. Two adults in a hot tub with two teenagers?" Dice asked
"Anyway why did you say I look like a girl named Ponnie?" Asked Sam
"Tori are you still pressed about Fawn driving you crazy?" Jade asked
"Tell me Sam does not look like Ponnie?" Tori replies
"Here I'll pull her profile up." Cat says and pulls out Ponnie's prison file
"Fawn Liebowitz aka Crazy Ponnie. A psychopath who is insane, stole things, called everyone Debbie and messed with a young girl named Tori." Dice reads
"I like this chick. Though she seems just as crazy as Nora." Sam said
"The crazy girl who trapped you, Freddie and Carly?" Jade asked
"Yes! Whatever Nora is there?" Sam says
"Last year she kidnapped me and Cat and threw us down a well." Dice said
"But Sam came and saved us." Cat says
"Aw that's sweet of you." Tori said
"Ugh don't remind me." Sam says
"So whatever happened to this Nora chick?" Jade asked
"Well she got sent back to prison hopefully rotting in there." Sam replies
But what Sam doesn't know is that Nora was recently bailed out of jail and is at her house planning a meeting to get revenge on her enemies
The scene now cuts to Nora's house in Olympia, Washington where Nora Dershlit (Danielle Morrow reprising her role from iCarly) is setting plates down and is passing out crackers and tapenade when a doorbell is heard
"Oh they're here. Come Maurice, time to greet our guests." Nora says
Maurice clucks like a rooster as Nora opens her door and on the other side are fellow iCarly haters such as Nevel Papperman, Missy Robinson, Valerie and Steven Carlson (Reed Alexander, Haley Ramm, Carly Bondar and Cameron Stewart all reprising their roles from iCarly)
"Well hello fellow iCarly haters. Please come on in." Nora says
"Oh tapenade! My fave!" Nevel yelled
"So you hate iCarly too?" Valerie asked
"With all my guts." Nora replied
"I want revenge on Samantha Puckett so hard!" Missy yelled
"Same with Carly Shay!" Steven yelled
"Well Carly is all the way in Italy!" Nevel yelled
"But Sam is in Los Angeles." Nora says
"How do you know?" Missy asked
"Because their idiot friend Gibby gave me her address. She lives with a redhead girl named Cat Valentine who is just as dumb as Gibby." Nora replies
"Tell me about it but she is cute." Nevel says
"I know all about Cat. She's best friends with my other ex, Tori Vega who I also despise. Thankfully, with the help from my new girlfriend, she can give us info on how to kidnap Tori and Cat." Steven said
Doorbell rings
"Is she here now?" Valerie asked
"Yes! Come on in, Ponnie!" Steven says
(Audience oohs)
The door opens as Crazy Ponnie (Jennette McCurdy reprising her Victorious role) comes in though she recently got some surgery done so she isn't mistaken for Sam Puckett
"Hello babe and fellow iCarly haters." Ponnie said
"Why do you sound like Sam?" Nora asked
"Ugh I hate getting asked this! I am not Sam but I do know where Tori and Cat are! We're going to Los Angeles to dispose of some trash!" Ponnie yelled
"Payback is going to be so much fun!" Missy said
"You said it girl!" Valerie yells
"They'll rue the day, rue it!" Nevel yelled
(Theme Song)
2 days pass as Tori and Cat are still working on their project, while Sam and Jade are playing a game that looks similar to Grand Theft Auto when Dice walks in
"Hey don't you knock?" Tori asked
"It's cool. Did your mom leave town?" Cat asked
"Yes she and my aunt went to another puzzle-con." Dice replied
"Ugh I hate puzzles." Jade says
"Right so dumb!" Sam said
"I love puzzles." Tori said
"Yeah no one asked for your comeback, Vega!" Jade said
Outside of Apartment #22, the iCarly haters are spying on Sam, Cat, Jade, Tori and Dice
"Should we attack?" Missy asked
"Not yet but soon!" Nora replied
"What should we do until then?" Steven asked
"Go to this old abandoned house that I trapped Dice and Cat at last year and start setting up stuff we can use to torture Cat and that cheekbones girl." Nora said
The iCarly haters sans Nevel and Nora drive off in a stolen car which happens to belong to Apartment #23
"Okay our project is just about done! We just need gorilla glue!" Tori said
"I think we're out." Sam said
"Not a problem. Tori and I can head to Wanko's Warehouse and get some more." Cat says
"So we never got banned when you set off the store alarms 3 years ago?" Jade asked
"They were dumb enough to believe we accidentally got locked in overnight." Cat says
"Don't destroy our project while we're gone!" Tori said
"Don't tell me what to do, Vega!" Jade said
Outside Apartment #22, Nevel and Nora overheard their conversation
"Well looks like we're making a trip to the mall." Nora said
"Time to let the rueing begin!" Nevel says
Scene now cuts to the Wanko's Warehouse parking lot where Tori and Cat are loading up things in Tori's car
"It's about time you got your license." Cat said
Soon Nora and Nevel (who are wearing disguises) approach Tori and Cat
"Uh hello." Tori says
"Hi we need your help." Nevel said
"Oh what's the problem?" Cat asked
"My boyfriend and I are having trouble loading these boxes in our car." Nora replied
"Oh so you need our help?" Tori asked
"Yes come help us now!" Nevel yelled
"Come Tori, let's help these nice strangers." Cat says
They walk up to Nora's car which is the same one she used to kidnap Dice back in #SuperPsycho
"Nice car." Tori says
"Thanks. Why don't you two get inside the trunk to help us unload." Nora said
"Kay Kay." Cat says
Nora gives Nevel the sign to start up the car as Tori and Cat get inside the trunk
"Huh it's not so roomy here." Tori said
Nora soon slams the trunk and locks it
"Why did you close the trunk?" Cat asked
Nora takes her disguise off
"Because we're kidnapping you!" Nora replied
"Nora? But I thought you were in jail!" Cat yelled
"I was bailed out." Nora replied
"By who and what did you mean when you said 'we're kidnapping you?'" Tori asked
Nevel takes his disguise off as well
"Surprise!" Nevel yelled
"Nibbles?!" Cat asks
"It's Nevel you red headed moron!" Nevel yelled
"Let us go! My dad is a cop!" Tori yelled
Nora gets in her car and locks the doors
"Too bad we got a date with revenge!" Nora yelled as she drives off
End Of Act I
Act II Begins
A couple days pass by as Sam is on the phone trying to call Cat
"Cat answer your phone!" Sam yelled
Dice and Jade walk in
"Well?" Jade asked
"Cat's not answering her phone." Sam replied
"Neither is Tori. I searched her house and Trina said she's been gone for two days." Jade said
"Not even Goomer has seen Cat." Dice said
Doorbell rings
"Who is it?!" Sam loudly asked
Soon Beck Oliver, Trina Vega and Robbie Shapiro (Avan Jogia, Daniella Monet and Matt Bennett reprising their roles from Victorious) walk in Apartment #22 as the audience cheers!
"Well did you find Vega or Cat?" Jade asked
"No we searched everywhere for her." Beck replied
"My dad tried tracking her but he couldn't get a signal." Trina says
"Robbie what about you? Did you find Cat?" Dice asked
"No, they just disappeared without a trace." Robbie replied
Doorbell rings again
"Ugh now what?!" Jade asked
"Come in Freddie!" Sam yelled
Freddie Benson (Nathan Kress reprising his role from iCaly) enters Apartment #22 as the audience cheers as well, followed by Gibby Gibson and André Harris (Noah Munck reprising his role from iCarly and Leon Thomas III reprising his role from Victorious)
"Sorry I'm late." Freddie says
"Gibbeh!" Gibby yelled
"Freddie!" Robbie yelled
"Sorry I forgot to mention Robbie's here." Sam said
"So where's Cat and Tori?" André asked
"We don't know, Harris!" Jade yelled
"They've been missing for two days now." Beck says
"Hang on! What if some enemy of ours, or if one of the iCarly's main enemies from the past kidnapped them for revenge." Trina says
"Stop being selfish Trina!" Jade yelled
"Hold up I think Trina's right." Freddie says
"Yeah I bet I know who did this! Nora Dershlit!" Sam yelled
"Who's Nora Dershlit?" André asks
"The crazy girl who kidnapped you and your friends on her birthday?" Beck asked
"What other Nora is there?" Freddie asks
"I bet she teamed up with a few other enemies that Carly, Fredward, Gibby and I made for payback." Sam replied
"I also bet she teamed up with that Ponnie girl." Jade says
"Isn't her name Fawn Liebowitz?" Robbie asked
"Never interrupt me!" Jade yelled
A note slips under the door
"Guys this note just slide under the door." Dice says
"Well what does it say?" Trina asked
Dice reads the note
"Dear Samantha Puckett, we got Cat Valentine and her friend Tori Vega. You want to see them again, come meet me at the abandoned house for a fight. Signed Nora Dershlit, Nevel Papperman, Missy Robinson, Valerie, Steven Carson and Fawn Liebowiz." Dice said
"Missy! Valerie!" Sam yelled
"We know Valerie tried to sabotage iCarly but who's Missy?" Beck asked
"Carly's former best friend before she met me. She tried to get rid of me so she can have Carly to herself but Freddie managed to help me by making her win the school at sea contest my old school did." Sam replied
"That was sweet of you Freddie." Robbie said
"Don't make it weird, Rob." Freddie says
"How many enemies did you guys make?" Trina asked
"A lot Trina! A lot." Freddie replied
"Wait did that note say Steven was back too?" Robbie asked
"Yeah, why?" Dice asked
"He used Carly and Tori by dating them both." Sam replies
"He even got them the same charm bracelet." André says
"Enough talk! Time to teach these psycho maniacs a lesson!" Jade yelled
"I think I know what abandoned house they're at!" Sam said
"You do?" Freddie asked
"Last year when Nora broke out of prison, she knew I moved here to Los Angeles then kidnapped Dice and later on Cat so had to get help from Nevel and I easily found them and rescued them." Sam replied
"How did Nora knew you were in Los Angeles?" Beck asked
"Because Gibby decided to give Nora our entire address." Sam replied
Everyone turns to Gibby
"Hello." Gibby says
"Why would you do that?" André asks
"Did you forget the time you first fought her?" Freddie asked
"Clearly." Sam replied
"Look mistakes were made and at least I warned you. Plus she would have forced me to slip anyway." Gibby says
"Okay can we go rescue Cat and Tori now?" Robbie asked
Sam goes to the fridge and takes out the butter sock
"What's that?" Trina asked
"A sock filled with hard frozen butter." Sam replied
Jade takes out her special scissors that she got from Cat for Christmas a couple years ago
"I'm driving! Let's go save our friends!" Jade yelled
"They better not try to do anything crazy to them!" Beck yelled
End of Act II
Act III Begins
Exterior shot to the abandoned house where Cat and Tori are trapped and chained down the wishing well with Cat trying to play with the clackers toy but is struggling due to her hands being chained when a door is heard being shut
"Hello is anyone here?" Cat asked
Nevel and Nora look down the well
"Hello friends." Nora said
"We're not your friends!" Cat yelled
"Let us go!" Tori yelled
"No!" Missy yelled
"Who said that?" Cat asked
Missy, Valerie, Steven and Ponnie look down the well
"Who are you two?" Tori asked
"I'm Missy and that's Valerie." Missy replied
"We hate Sam so much so we're getting our revenge on Cat and since you're Cat's friend as well, we're getting revenge on you too!" Valerie said
"Yeah!" Steven yelled
"Steven? Wait did you get Carly too?" Tori asked
"No dummy she's in Italy so she's off the hook for now! Oh meet my new girlfriend, Ponnie!" Steven yelled
Tori sees Ponnie and freaks out
"You!" Tori yelled
"Long time no see Vega! I got some unfinished business with you!" Ponnie yelled
"Why do you look and sound like Sam?!" Cat asked
"I'm not Sam you dumb red headed moron!" Ponnie yelled causing Cat to squeal like a child
"Isn't revenge awesome?" Steven asked
"It's very awesome!" Nevel replied
"Who knew payback would be so neat." Valerie says
Flip scene to where the others are in Jade's car as they are trying to track down where Tori and Cat are
"And that's why Ponnie hates Tori." Trina says
"Wow she really is more crazy than Nora." Freddie said
"The fact she is dating Steven when she literally looks like me is just gross." Sam says
Dice's phone dings
"Did you get a signal on where they are?" Robbie asked
"Yes! Jade make a right at the next light!" Dice yelled
"On it!" Jade said as she blows though a red light
"Uh I'm pretty sure the traffic light was red." Beck says
"Do you want to save our friends or what?!" Sam asked
"Dice, how far does it say we are from that house?" Jade asks
"We should be there in 5 minutes!" Dice replied
"You have very nice hair." Gibby said
"Tell me something I don't know." Dice says
"I really hope those lunatics aren't doing anything bad to them." Robbie says
"Especially Cat! She's such an innocent little child." André said
"Even though she's 19." Beck says
"They better be treating Cat the way she should be treated!" Trina adds
Flip scene back to the abandoned house
"You have no idea what trouble you're up against!" Tori yelled
"Yeah when our friends come to save us, I hope they beat you up so hard, you'll be bleeding in places that you shouldn't bleed!" Cat yelled as she struggles to break free from the chains
Nora starts laughing then so do the other villains until Nora gives them a sign to stop
"Aw now isn't that cute? But I don't think we'll be bleeding at all!" Nora says
"Plus it's been over two days and your so-called friends are nowhere to be seen!" Nevel yelled
"Yeah face it! No one is coming to save you, you dumb boobs!" Ponnie yelled
"And if they try to do it, they're out numbered!" Steven yells
"Yeah!" Missy yelled
"We win and you snobs lose!" Valerie yells
The villains start laughing again as Tori and Cat have worried looks on their faces until the basement door is kicked down by Sam and Jade
"Sam!" Nora yelled
"Dershlit!" Sam yelled
"Freddie!" Valerie says
"Valerie!" Freddie yelled
"Ponnie!" Trina yelled
"Gank!" Ponnie yells
"Steven!" Jade yelled
"Gibby!" Yelled Gibby
"Is no one going to say my name?" Missy asked
"No!" Sam yelled
"We know Tori and Cat are down that well now let them out!" Jade demanded
"Or what gank?" Nora asked
"Oh she messed up now!" Tori yelled
"Attack!" Jade yelled
Sam goes to attack Missy
"You got some nerves coming back Robinson!" Sam yelled
"Oh shut up you blonde headed clod!" Missy yelled
"Nope!" Sam yelled
Sam beats up Missy with the butter sock until she goes unconscious
"Freddie if you and I make out then I'll let you live." Nora said
"Dream on Nora!" Freddie yelled
"Then in the well you go!" Nora yells
Freddie gives Nora one punch in the face and she goes unconscious
"Nice." Gibby says
Nevel smacks Jade on the back
"That's for breaking that door!" Nevel yelled
Jade turns around and grabs Nevel by the neck
"Nobody smacks Jade West!" Jade yelled
"Oh dear." Nevel says
Jade throws Nevel to the wall and he passes out
"That's gotta hurt." André says
"Hey handsome you're hot!" Valerie said
"I have a girlfriend!" Beck said
"That goth gank! Please she's hideous." Valerie says
Jade goes to attack Valerie but Sam stops her
"I got this Jade." Sam says
Sam squeezes Valerie's shoulders and she passes out
"That's for using Freddie to ruin iCarly!" Sam yelled
"You may have defeated them but you'll never get me and Ponnie!" Steven yelled
"Actually it's Ponnie and I!" Freddie says
"God you're such a dorky nerd!" Ponnie says
"Hey nobody calls Fredbag a dorky nerd but me!" Sam said
Sam and Jade beat up Ponnie while Trina uses her karate skills on Steven and soon enough all the iCarly villains, plus Ponnie are laying on the floor unconscious
"Hey I didn't get to fight anyone." Robbie says
"Bummer." Trina said
"Why don't you go and call the cops so they can come save Tori and Cat." Freddie says
"Okay my friend, Freddie!" Robbie says as he gets out his PearPhone XT
Beck and Gibby lean to Freddie
"I think he likes you." Beck and Gibby said at the same time
"Shush!" Freddie yelled
"Hey if it makes you feel better, I didn't get to fight anyone either." André says
"Neither did I." Said Dice
"They would have crushed you like a twig, kid." Jade said
End of ACT III
ACT IV Begins
The final scene takes place at Inside Out Burger where they are eating free cheeseburgers thanks to Sam & Cat
"How is it that you two get free food for life?" Freddie asked
"Cause we saved the manager's life." Cat replied
"Thank you guys so much for saving us from those creeps." Tori said
"Anytime, baby sis." Trina says
"So how's Carly doing in Italy?" Dice asked
"She's having the time of her life." Gibby replied
"So how long did the cops say those lunatics will be in jail?" André asked
"At least 5-10 years." Robbie replied
"Serves them right." Sam says
"If I ever see any of them again, I will literally rip their heads off!" Jade yelled
"Huh you and Sam do have a lot in common." Beck said
"Never estimate Jade West and Sam Puckle." Cat says
"Don't you mean Puckett?" Gibby asked
"I've been telling her this for two years." Sam replied
Sam's phone starts vibrating
"Oh I should take this. Be right back." Sam says
"Don't get lost." Said Cat
Sam goes outside and answers her phone
"Hello? Oh hey Carlos. Yeah, we're fine why? How did you know? They have the United States news in Italy? Well the cops took Nora and the other bad guys back to jail so a happy ending. Okay, talk to you later." Sam says and hangs up and goes back inside
"Who was it?" Trina asked
"It was... nothing important." Sam replied
"Hey Sam remember when I opened my own restaurant in the basement of Ridgeway High School?" Gibby asked
"How could I forget." Sam replied
"You actually opened a restaurant in your school?" André asked
"Yep, it was my dream." Gibby replied
"Whatever happened to it?" Freddie asked
"Well Mr. Howard found out we were still running it so he called the health inspector and forced it to shut down then he gave me and Sam two weeks of detention." Gibby replied
"Just for opening a restaurant in the school basement?" Tori asked
"Uh huh." Gibby replies
"He sounds like a real grunch." Jade says
"He is." Sam said
"I remember the time on iCarly where you guys wrote out 'Mr. Howard Eats Pants.'" Beck says
"That was some funny chiz." André said
"At least Sikowitz isn't like that." Robbie says
"Maybe one day I'll reopen my restaurant." Gibby says in excitement
"I'm sure you will." Cat said
"Thanks, Cat." Gibby says
"No problem." Said Cat in her happy tone
"How is it that we were all at that party a few years ago, but we never all properly interacted with each other?" Tori asked
"I had throat issues." Cat replied
"You, Carlos, Fredbag and I were busy exposing Steven." Sam says
"Kenan and I were trying to stop that panda" André adds
"I was babysitting some kids for Lane who I tied to a leash." Trina states
"Beck and I were in that hot tub with Spencer and Sikowitz." Jade says
"Which still sounds gross since I'm pretty sure you two were 16 at the time." Dice said
"I was looking for my fake mole." Gibby says
"Well hey at least we're all interacting with each other now." Freddie said
"Well said my friend Freddie." Robbie says all weird
"Nerd bond. Isn't that sweet." Sam says
"No wonder they're called Frobbie." Jade said
"Frobbie?" Trina asks
"Never call us that!" Freddie yelled
"Oh, Robbie I have to tell you something." Cat said
"What's up?" Robbie asks
Cat kisses Robbie on the lips for 20 seconds
"I love you, Rob." Cat says
"Love you too, Kitty Cat." Robbie says
"How great is that?" Gibby asked
"It's about time y'all got together." André said
"You better treat Cat right!" Jade yelled
"Or else!" Sam also yelled
"This has been a weird week." Tori says
The End