Sam and Cat Wiki

Quarantined is the fifteenth episode in Season 2 of Freddie & Robbie. It was published on February 22nd, 2022.


A gas leak hits both Seattle and Los Angeles making Freddie, Robbie and Ally quarantine.


  • Absent: Jake Farrow as Rex Powers.
  • This episode takes place over a zoom call.
  • This is a bottle episode.
  • This is likely a reference to the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Rex is heard but not seen.
  • Ending Tagline: "He's very messed up." -Cat

Character revelations[]

  • Mrs. Benson works as a nurse.

Series continuity[]

  • Cat appears again.
  • Sam was mentioned.
  • Tori was mentioned by Cat when she mentions the events to the Victorious episode; Wi-Fi in the Sky.
    • Cat also mentions her brother and Jade while referring to the Victorious episode Star Spangled Tori.
  • Mrs. Benson briefly appears.
  • Robbie's tone of Rex laughing was first heard in the Victorious episode; Wanko's Warehouse.