The story starts at the house
"Hey Freddie today marks the one year anniversary of when we became friends." Robbie said
"Already?" Freddie asked
"Time goes by fast." Ally said
"Since it's our friend anniversary, I got you this new camera." Robbie said
"How much did this cost?" Freddie asked
"$500." Robbie replied
"What camera is worth $500?" Ally asked
"Apparently that one." Robbie said
"Wow thanks Robbie. I have to go get you something. Be right back." Freddie said
Freddie walks out
"Wonder what he'll get me." Robbie said
"Better be a razor cause you have hair coming out on your neck." Ally said
At a store, Freddie is searching for a gift
"Now what should I get Robbie?" Freddie asked
"Forgot to get your friend a gift for your friendaversary huh?" A guy asked
"Uh who are you and what are you doing here?" Freddie asked
"My name is Logan and I'm buying a present for my wife Quinn." Logan replied
"Okay well I need to get my friend Robbie something he'll really like." Freddie said
"What's he into?" Logan asked
"Well he's been into Galaxy Wars." Freddie replied
"Weird cause I actually managed to get this from their set." Logan said
Logan shows Freddie a sword
"Whoa Robbie will like that." Freddie said
"It'll cost you." Logan said
"How much?" Freddie asked
"That camera will do." Logan says
"But this was my gift from Robbie. It costed him $500." Freddie said
"Okay well I guess I'll give this to someone else." Logan said
"Wait I'll take it." Freddie says
They exchange their items
"Pleasure doing business Freddie." Logan said
"How did you know my name?" Freddie asked
"Cause I watch iCarly." Logan replied
Freddie walks in his house
"I'm back." Freddie said
"What took you so long?" Robbie asked
"Sorry but I was too busy getting you this." Freddie replied and takes out the sword from Galaxy Wars
"Is that the sword from Galaxy Wars?" Ally asked
"Uh huh." Freddie replied
"How did you afford this?" Robbie asked
"I ran into this guy at the store and he gave me this and I gave him the camera you gave me." Freddie replied
"You sold the gift I got you?!" Robbie asked
"Well would you look at the time. Time to start the show." Ally said and walks to the room
"Robbie..." Freddie said
"That camera costed me $500! How could you sell it for this sword?!" Robbie yelled
"I thought you would like it." Freddie said
"Yeah but if you're going to sell something that was too expensive then I don't like it." Robbie said
Ally walks back in and takes them to their studio
"I can't believe you." Freddie says
"What friend sells something their friend gave them?" Robbie asked
"We're on!" Ally yelled
"Hello I'm Freddie." Freddie said
"I'm Robbie." Robbie said
"And this is the Freddie & Robbie Show." Freddie and Robbie said and glare at each other
"Today on the show we're going to talk about friendship." Robbie said
"Oh boy." Ally said
"You see I bought Freddie a new expensive camera that costed me $500 and he traded it just to get me a sword from a movie which I'm pretty sure it doesn't even work!" Robbie yelled
"And I only got that sword cause Robbie is a huge fan of Galaxy Wars!" Freddie yelled
"You two really going to fight over the show?" Ally asked
"Stay out of this!" Freddie yelled
"Don't you yell at my sister like that you traitor!" Robbie yelled
"Well fine then! If that's how you feel, I'm moving out." Freddie said
"You can't move out! I'm kicking you out! Goodbye you traitor." Robbie said and storms out of the room
"Fine I didn't like living with you anyway!" Freddie yelled and storms out of the room
Ally looks at the camera
"We're experiencing technical difficulties." Ally said and turns the camera off
Freddie has his bags packed and walks out
"Robbie are you seriously kicking Freddie out?" Ally asked
"Yes I am. I never want to see that traitor ever again!" Robbie yelled and walks off
"I don't understand him sometimes." Ally said to the viewers as part one ends
Part two begins the next day where Robbie enters the kitchen and sees Ally doing the dishes
"Ally since when do you do dishes?" Robbie asked
"Well this is what Freddie normally does but since he's not here, I decided to do them. So you guys really aren't friends anymore?" Ally asked
"He broke my heart." Robbie replied
"Come on, he wanted to get you that sword. What if he gave you something and he wanted something real nice but couldn't get it. What would you do?" Ally asked
"Sell the give he gave me. Oh man what have I done?" Robbie asks
"You finally came to your senses?" Ally says
"I have to apologize to Freddie. But I don't know where he is." Robbie said
Freddie is walking down the street with his suitcase
"Stupid Robbie! Try to do something nice and this is the thanks I get?" Freddie asked
"Who are you talking to?" A guy asked
Freddie turns around and sees Michael Barrett from Zoey 101
"Who are you?" Freddie asked
"My name is Michael Barrett." Michael replied
"Nice to meet you. I'm Freddie. I got into a fight with my roommate and now I got nowhere else to live." Freddie said
"Well you can come stay with me and my wife Lisa." Michael said
"Okay thanks Michael." Freddie said
Back with Robbie, he and Ally tried to find Freddie
"We looked everywhere and we didn't find Freddie." Robbie said
"You don't think he moved back to Seattle did you?" Ally asked
"I hope not. Why did I have to get mad at him. I hope we find him soon." Robbie said
Back with Freddie, he has moved in with Michael and Lisa
"So why would your roommate kick you out?" Michael asked
"He's mad because I sold a gift he got me for something he really wanted." Freddie replied
"That's so stupid." Lisa said
"Right." Freddie said
"I'm sure he'll come to his senses soon." Michael says
"Michael, he made it clear that he never wants to see me again." Freddie said
"Hey most friends fight." Lisa said
"Yeah deep down I'm sure this Robbie guy still cares about you." Michael said
"If he still cares about me then why hasn't he been looking for me?" Freddie asked
"I'm sure he is." Lisa replied
Michael takes a pic with Freddie and posts it
"What did you do?" Freddie asked
"What I can't take a picture with a former iCarly star?" Michael asks
Back with Robbie and Ally, they have been looking for Freddie for 5 hours but still haven't found him
"Face it Freddie's gone." Robbie said
Ally gets on her phone and sees a pic of Freddie with Michael
"Robbie I think I found Freddie." Ally said
"Where is he?" Robbie asked
"I got on my phone and found a pic of Freddie with this dude named Michael." Ally said
"Can you see if you can track them down?" Robbie asked
"Already on it." Ally said
"Don't worry Freddie, I'm coming." Robbie said
"That sounded weird in so many ways." Ally says
Back with Freddie, Michael and Lisa
"So Carly decided to move to Italy to be with her dad?" Lisa asked
"Yes Lisa that's correct. And no I have no idea when or if she's coming back." Freddie replied
"Well Sam did say that iCarly was taking a break so there is a chance you can restart it one day." Michael says
The doorbell rings
"I got it." Lisa said
Lisa opens the door and sees Robbie and Ally on the other side
"Hello is Freddie here?" Robbie asked
Freddie sees Robbie and Ally
"What do you two want?" Freddie asked
"Robbie has something to tell you." Ally said
"Freddie I'm so sorry for snapping at you. I was upset that you sold that camera for a sword. I was thinking you didn't like the camera." Robbie said
"It's okay. I shouldn't have given that camera to that guy anyway." Freddie said
"What guy did you get the sword from?" Michael asked
"Some guy named Logan who has a wife named Quinn." Freddie replied
"Oh got gods sake." Lisa said
"Do you know him?" Ally asked
"We went to school with them." Lisa said
"Logan gets everything from his dad. He's also been selling replicas of those swords." Michael said
"That little punk scammed me!" Freddie yelled
"He'll get what's coming to him." Lisa said
"Robbie can you ever forgive me?" Freddie asked
"Yeah can you forgive me?" Robbie asked
"Sure." Freddie said
The two hug each other
"Thanks for letting me crash with you Michael and Lisa." Freddie said
"No problem. Come back anytime." Lisa said
"Bye Freddie." Michael says
Freddie grabs his stuff and walks out with Robbie and Ally
Michael gets out his phone
"Hello?" Logan said over the phone
"Logan you are so dead!" Michael yelled
"Aw geez." Lisa said as the episode ends
The End
Ending Tagline: "Logan you are so dead!" -Michael