Sam and Cat Wiki

Tuna Jump 2 is the sixteenth and seventeenth episode in Season 2 of Freddie & Robbie. It was published on February 23rd, 2022.


Beck has to go to court cause no one jumped the tuna. Freddie calls his friend Spencer and pretends to be a lawyer. Spencer helps Beck not face charges so he finds someone to jump the tuna. Beck's girlfriend Jade shows up and agrees to jump the tuna. Later on, André shows up to support his friend. Freddie then starts hanging out with Beck and André causing Robbie and Ally to hang out with Spencer. Jade then jumps over the tuna and makes it over which saves Beck from going to jail.


  • Absent: Jake Farrow as Rex Powers.
  • This is the fourth special of the series.
  • Spencer appears for the first time in the series.
  • It is unknown why the other characters from Victorious didn't show up.
  • Ending Tagline: "I will hurt you in places that shouldn't be hurt." -Jade

Series continuity[]

  • Spencer Shay from iCarly returns in this episode and pretends to be a lawyer like he did many times to fool his dad before iGoodbye.
  • This is a sequel to the Season 1 episode; Tuna Jump Reunion.
    • Beck and Cat appear again but this time, Spencer, André and Jade appear as well.
  • André's grandma and Sikowitz from Victorious and Freddie's mom from iCarly were mentioned.