Sam and Cat Wiki

The episode starts off with Freddie unpacking his suitcase

"So Freddie how was your family reunion?" Ally asked

"Boring. I didn't think it would last for two week. Would have been back sooner if we didn't had to quarantine." Freddie replied

"It was pretty weird without you here. A couple weeks ago Ally tried to sabotage my plans to get into college!" Robbie yelled

"Shut up!" Ally yelled

"It's great to be back." Freddie said when the doorbell rings

"I got it." Robbie says

Robbie opens the door and sees Beck and Jade on the other side

"We have a problem." Jade said as she walks in

"Uh come in?" Robbie said

"Hey guys." Freddie says

"What's going on?" Ally asked

"Freddie remember those tuna I bought last year?" Beck asked

"Yeah why?" Freddie asked

"I just got this letter from the Los Angeles Police Department. Since no one jumped the tuna and that I didn't give out refunds, they're going to sue me for everything I have." Beck said

"That's terrible." Robbie said

"No dip." Beck said

"Do you know a lawyer by any chance?" Jade asked

"No." Freddie replied

"What about your friend Spencer?" Beck asked

"He only went to law school for three days." Freddie replied

"Still counts." Ally said

"Okay I'll give him a call." Freddie said as he gets out his phone and dials Spencer's number

In Seattle, Washington, Spencer is polishing his soda bottle sculpture when his phone goes off as the audience cheers for his appearance

"Hey what up Freddie?" Spencer asked

"Spencer I have a problem." Freddie says

"Did Sam get arrested again?" Spencer asked

"No last year I met my roommates friend Beck and he won tuna and held a tuna jump for it." Freddie says

"I know that. Sam told me." Spencer says

"Well since no one jumped the tuna, Beck is going to get sued." Freddie says

"Oh no." Spencer said

"Can you pretend to be his lawyer to help him out?" Freddie asked

"Sure when's his court date?" Spencer asked

"Today at 3!" Beck yelled in the background

"I will be there." Spencer said

"Thanks Spence." Freddie said and hangs up

Spencer puts his phone in his pocket as his bottle sculpture catches on fire

"How?!" Spencer yelled

At the courthouse, Spencer walks in with his tux

"Freddie I'm here." Spencer said

"Good. This is my roommate Robbie." Freddie says

"Please to meet you sir." Robbie said

"Quit embarrassing yourself." Ally yelled

"That's his sister Ally." Freddie said

Beck and Jade walk up to Spencer

"Hey weren't you in that hot tub with us at that party?" Jade asked

"Yes I was." Spencer replied

"Thanks for coming here Spencer." Beck said

"No problem." Spencer said

Mrs. Shapiro walks in

"About time you made it grandma." Robbie said

"Sorry I got stuck in traffic." Mrs. Shapiro said

"Order in the court! Beck Oliver you are here since you held people's money for not promising a tuna jump last year. Do you have a lawyer?" The judge asked

"Why yes I do. Spencer?" Beck said

"Spencer Shay. Now this nice boy here did promise a tuna jump. But there was an accident and two girls got hurt." Spencer says

"That still doesn't give him the right to held people's money." The judge said

"What if I promise an actual jump this time?" Beck asked

"Who are you going to get to jump?" The judge asked

"Me!" A familiar voice said

The voice is none other than André Harris

"André?!" Robbie, Beck, Jade, and Ally say at the same time

"I'm here too." Cat said

"You can't jump the tuna." The judge said

"Why? Is it because of my skin color?" André asked

"I uh..." The judge said

"How dare you talk like that to that nice young man." Mrs. Shapiro said

"Yeah how dare you?" Cat asked

"Fine I'll do it!" Jade yelled

"When?" The judge asked

"Saturday night at 7! Be there or be square!" Jade said

"Case closed." Spencer said

"That's my line! If she doesn't make it, you go to jail! Now it's case closed!" The judge yelled and bangs his gavel

"Now what's that about my skin color huh?" André asked

"Let it go man." Robbie said

"Hey I'm Freddie." Freddie says

"I know you Freddie. I met you at the party." André said

"Wanna hang out?" Freddie asked

"Sure. Beck, Jade, Cat wanna hang with Freddie?" André asked

"Sure." Beck replied

"I don't want to but I will anyway." Jade says

"I'm actually going to stay with Robbie." Cat said

Beck, Jade, André and Freddie walk away

"Did he just steal André from you?" Ally asked

"I think so. Hey Spencer do you want to hang out with me and Cat?" Robbie asked

"Sure we can hang out." Spencer said

"Ally want to come with?" Robbie asked

"Well I got nothing else to do so sure." Ally replied

"Let's go." Cat said

"I like your hair." Spencer says

"Aw thanks." Cat said

"Stay safe Robbie, you too Ally." Mrs. Shapiro said

Spencer, Cat, Robbie and Ally walk out as part one ends

Part two beings with Spencer, Robbie and Ally walking into a restaurant where Beck, Jade Freddie and André are

"Hey guys." Spencer said

"Hi." Cat said

"What are you guys doing here?" Jade asked

"I invited them." Freddie replied

"Why?" Jade asked

"Because they're my friends." Freddie replied

"Would it kill you to be nice?" Robbie asked

"Yes it would." Jade replied

"You have issues." Spencer says

"You have no idea." André said

"Imagine if she meets Sam?" Ally asked

"The world will end." Cat said

"Jade shouldn't you get ready for tonight?" Beck asked

"Don't tell me what to do." Jade says

"Do you think you'll make it?" Ally asked

"I better! Now I'm going to get ready." Jade said and walks away as she drags Beck with her

"Uh bye." Beck said

"So you guys going to the jump tonight?" André asked

"Yeah why wouldn't we?" Freddie asked

"I just hope Jade makes it so Beck won't go to jail." Robbie says

"He won't go to jail." Spencer said

"Yeah she's totally going to make it." Cat said

"How do you know?" Ally asked

"Just believe in yourself. Oh André did you finish the rest of our report for Sikowitz?" Cat asked

"Yes I did. It's in my car since I'm afraid my grandma will freak out and destroy it." André replied

"Why would your grandma do that?" Spencer asked

"Yeah Spencer his grandma is insane." Robbie said

"Uh I live next door to Freddie's mom. Define insane." Spencer said

"She's been messed up since at least 2004." André said

"Maybe she should be in a special hospital in Idaho like my brother." Cat said

"Why is your brother in a special hospital?" Spencer asked

"Long story." Cat replied

"I got time." Spencer said

"I'm afraid we don't." Ally said

The night of the jump arrives

"Tonight's the night. You ready babe?" Beck asked

"It's just a jump. Not like anything bad his happening." Jade says

The others are at their seats when the judge arrives

"I'm here. She better make it or else say goodbye to your friend." The judge said

"Jade please make it." Robbie said

"Dude calm down." André says

"Yeah you're overreacting." Mrs. Shapiro said

"You got this Jade!" Cat yelled

Jade gets on her bike

"Ladies and gentleman I'm Beck Oliver and that girl that's about to jump the tuna is my girlfriend Jade." Beck said

"Just countdown from 5!" Jade yelled

"In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" Everyone yelled but Freddie didn't say the 1

"You didn't say the 1." Spencer said

"It was a force of habit!" Freddie said

Jade stats her bike and drives over the tuna and makes it

"She made it!" Ally and André yelled

"That was awesome!" Mrs. Shapiro yelled

Everyone goes up to Jade

"You did it babe." Beck said as he kisses Jade

"Good job." Freddie said

"You did it." Robbie said

"Way to go Jade. I got it on video and I'm so posting this to TheSlap." Cat said

"What's TheSlap?" Spencer asked

"Spencer you know it's a website for their school. We saw it when Carly and Tori were dating that Steven guy." Freddie said

"Oh guess I forgot." Spencer says

"Well I guess you don't have to go to jail. Good day." The judge says

"Hey Freddie I'm going back to Seattle now. I'll see ya later." Spencer said

"Bye Spence." Freddie says

"Get home safe." Ally said

Spencer leaves

"Wait til I tell the school this." André said

"Yeah you do that and I will hurt you in places that shouldn't be hurt." Jade said

"You really have issues." André said

"You have no idea." Beck said

"I love happy endings." Cat said breaking the fourth wall as the episode ends

The End

Ending Tagline: "I will hurt you in places that shouldn't be hurt." -Jade