Sam and Cat Wiki

The episode starts off with Freddie mixing up a ton of hot sauce in a bowl with Robbie doing some homework. Robbie looks at Freddie making some sauce

"Uh what are you doing?" Robbie asked

"Putting some sauces in a bowl." Freddie replied

"Why?" Robbie asked

"You know how there's a lot of hot sauces in the world?" Freddie asked

"Uh huh." Robbie replied

"Well I thought I would mix them all up into one big hot sauce." Freddie says

"That's smart." Rex said

"Thank you Rex. Here wanna try?" Freddie asked

"Sure." Robbie says

Freddie puts some hot sauce in Freddie's mouth

"Well?" Freddie asked

Robbie spits the hot sauce out

"My god that's too hot!" Robbie yelled as he runs to get some milk to wash him mouth down

"Wimp." Rex said

"So do you like it?" Freddie asked

"Well yeah but it's too hot. (Robbie sees the mess he made) I'll go get a rag." Robbie said

The doorbell rings

"I'll get it." Freddie says

Freddie goes to open the door and on the other side was Robbie's friend Beck Oliver (from Victorious) as the audience cheers

"Hello." Freddie said

"Hi. Who are you?" Beck asked

Robbie sees Beck at the door

"Beck what are you doing here?" Robbie asked

"What I can't visit my friend?" Beck asked

"Who is this guy?" Freddie asked

"Freddie this is my friend from Hollywood Arts, Beck Oliver. Beck this is my friend and roommate Freddie Benson." Robbie says

"Nice to meet you Beck." Freddie says

"You too Freddie." Beck said

"So why are you here?" Rex asked

"I have a problem." Beck said

"Did you and Jade break up again?" Robbie asked

"No. The other day, I was at a poker game and a guy betted some tuna for the winner. I won but it turns out, he meant actual tuna fish and not money. So now I don't know what to do with them." Beck says

"Where's it at?" Freddie asked

"I'll show you." Beck says

Scene now cuts to a tuna fish tank

"They're in there. Swimming in that tank." Beck said

Freddie grabs a tuna fish out of the tank

"Check this out." Freddie said

"Nice grab." Beck said

"Thanks." Freddie said

"Where are these fish from anyways?" Rex asked

"From Canada. What am I going to do with them?" Beck said

"I have an idea. We get someone to jump the tuna." Freddie says

"That's crazy." Robbie said

"Good idea." Beck said

"Thanks." Freddie says

"So who do we get to jump it?" Beck asked

"Me of course." Freddie said

"No you are not going to jump over some tuna from Kentucky!" Robbie yelled

"From Canada." Beck corrected Robbie

"You're from Canada!" Robbie yelled

"Okay well why don't I find someone to jump it." Beck said

"Hey Beck want to get some food?" Freddie asked

"Sure let's go." Beck said

Freddie and Beck leave for food leaving Robbie

"Ha they left without you." Rex said

At Bots, Freddie and Beck are eating some food

"Man this is a cool restaurant." Beck said

"I know it is. And their food is so good." Freddie says

Robbie walks in with his grandma

"Go get us a table. I'll be there in a second." Robbie said

Robbie goes up to Beck and Robbie

"Hi!" Robbie yelled

"Hey." Beck said

"Sup Robbie." Freddie said

"Looks like I wasn't invited to go to lunch with you was I?" Robbie rudely asked

"No we were just about to text you." Beck said

"Yeah okay." Robbie says as he walks away

"Hey come hang out with us." Freddie says

"No thanks. I'll be having lunch with my grandma. Jealous? Should be." Robbie said

Robbie goes to sit down with his grandma

"Hi!" Robbie says

"Hello." Mrs. Shapiro said

Beck gets a text from a guy

"Oh I got someone to jump the tuna!" Beck yelled

"That's great." Freddie says

"Hey Robbie is that your friend Beck over there?" Mrs. Shapiro asked

"Oh really! I didn't notice Beck was there! But who cares? Not me!" Robbie yelled

"What's your problem?" Mrs. Shapiro asked

"He's wazzed off because he thinks Freddie stole Beck from him." Rex said

"Well he did. I wanted to hang out with him" Robbie said

"You got me to hang with." Mrs. Shapiro said

"Wow great." Robbie sarcastically says

"Okay I'll tell you something. Where I come from, if someone steals one of your friends, you steal one of theirs." Mrs. Shapiro said

"Oh I should steal one of Freddie's friends." Robbie says

"Uh Freddie's friends live in Seattle." Rex said

"I know." Robbie said

Scene cuts to Freddie and Robbie's room where Robbie is reading a book and Freddie is walking in the bathroom

"Hey I'm going to take a fast shower." Freddie says

"Why?" Robbie asked

"Well I haven't showered in a couple days. Also Beck wants me to go do some karaoke so..." Freddie says but gets cut off by Robbie

"Oh karaoke huh? That's nice! What are you two going to sing? A song called 'Who Needs Robbie Shapiro In Their Life'?" Robbie asked

"Would you like to come with us?" Freddie asked

"No I have homework." Robbie says

"Okay." Freddie said

As Freddie enters the bathroom to turn on the shower, Robbie reaches over to find his phone

"I'll show you how to steal a friend." Robbie said

Robbie looks through Freddie's contacts and finds a person who lives in Seattle

"Oh a person and she lives in Seattle." Robbie said as he calls the number

Scene cuts to Seattle to a house where Sam Puckett (from iCarly) is cleaning the bathroom unhappy as her phone rings with the audience cheering

"Freddie? What does he want? (Sam answers) Hey Fredward what's up?" Sam asked

"It's not Freddie. This is his roommate Robbie." Robbie said

"Well hi Robbie." Sam said

"Hi is this Puckett, Sam?" Robbie asked

"No it's Puckett, Ham! Yes this is Sam!" Sam yelled

"Now are you a good friend of Freddie's?" Robbie asked

"Sure you can say that." Sam said

Sam's mom Pam (from iCarly) walks in as the audience cheers

"Who are you talking to?" Pam asked

"Mom please!" Sam yelled

"You're supposed to be doing your chores!" Pam yelled

"I am. I'm just taking a break." Sam says

"If I see you slacking off, I'm putting you on timeout." Pam says as she walks away

"I'm 20 years old! Man sometimes I wished Carly never left for Italy with her dad." Sam yelled

"Hello come to L.A. right now." Robbie said

"To L.A.?" Sam asks

"Yes it stands for..." Robbie says but gets cut off by Sam

"I know what it stands for but why do I have to come there?" Sam asked

"It's about Freddie." Robbie said

"What did he do?" Sam asked

"He got run over. It's very bad." Robbie says

"Freddie seriously got run over?" Sam asks all worried

"Uh huh. You might want to get down here right away." Robbie said

"Okay well how bad is it? Is he bleeding?" Sam asked

Robbie hears Freddie turning off his shower

"No more questions." Robbie said as he hangs up

Sam puts her phone in her pocket as her twin sister Melanie (from iCarly) walks out as the audience cheers

"Hey mom has an itch on her butt and wants you to scratch it for her." Melanie said


Sam angrily storms out of the bathroom as the scene cuts back to Los Angeles where Robbie is drinking some juice when the doorbell rings

"Yay Sam's here. I'm coming." Robbie said

Robbie drops his cup which causes it to break. He goes to open the door thinking it's Sam but it's his grandma

"Well hello Sa... Ugh what?!" Robbie yelled

"Nice to see you too." Mrs. Shapiro said

"Sorry. What are you doing here?" Robbie asked

"I thought I would drop by and give you some cookies." Mrs. Shapiro said

"Well thanks." Robbie said

"So where's Freddie?" Mrs. Shapiro asked

"Out with Beck again." Robbie says

"Do you really think he stole..." Mrs. Shapiro said but the doorbell rings

"Get out!" Robbie yelled

"Who's at the door?" Mrs. Shapiro asked as Robbie pushes her to the patio door

"Samantha Puckett." Robbie replied

"Who's Samantha Puckett?" Mrs. Shapiro asked

"An astronaut." Robbie lied

"Wait I've always wanted to meet an astronaut." Mrs. Shapiro said

"Get away!" Robbie yelled

"Okay I'm going." Mrs. Shapiro says

Robbie goes to open the door and sees Sam Puckett as the audience cheers

"Hello there Sam Puckett." Robbie said

"Hey is Freddie here?" Sam asked

"Yes come on in." Robbie says

"Freddie? Where are you? Freddie." Sam said

"Oh Freddie's not here." Robbie said

"But you just said..." Sam says but gets cut off by Robbie

"Well aren't you a beautiful girl full of questions." Robbie said

"Look I'm really worried about... Beautiful?" Sam asks

"Uh huh." Robbie said

"Well thanks. So you're Robbie?" Sam asked

"Uh huh. Robbie Shapiro and no I am not Andy Samberg." Robbie says

"Didn't I rap battle your puppet a couple years back?" Sam asked

"I remember that." Rex says

"So you're the one that called me last night?" Sam asks

"Yep, did you add me to your contacts yet?" Robbie asks

"No." Sam replied

"Well there's time for that." Robbie said

"Look if Freddie isn't here then why did you..." Sam says but Robbie cuts him off

"I was wondering if you would like to hang with me? You know a couple of teens hanging." Robbie said

"Well I'm not a teen anymore but if it gets me from getting out of doing my chores, then let's hang." Sam said

"Yay!" Robbie yelled

"But leave Rex here." Sam said

"Okay." Robbie says

Robbie takes Rex to his bedroom and he and Sam walk out

"This is so weird." Sam said

Part 2 of the reunion special begins with Freddie and Beck walking into Bots when the blue robot rolls up to them

"Hello welcome to Bots." Bungle said

"We need a table." Freddie says

"Sorry but all tables are full." Bungle said

"Well how long is the wait?" Beck asked

"The wait time is between 10 and 200 minutes." Bungle replies

Bungle rolls away

"Man we seriously have to wait 200 minutes just to get food?" Freddie asked

Beck notices Robbie at a table

"Hey is that Robbie over there?" Beck asked

"Oh yeah and he's with a girl." Freddie said

Freddie sees the girl is none other then his ex girlfriend Sam Puckett

"Oh my god." Freddie said

"What?" Beck asked

"Come with me." Freddie says

Freddie and Beck approach Robbie and Sam

"Oh look who's here." Robbie said

"Freddie there you are." Sam says

"Sam what in the world are you doing here?" Freddie asked

"Well I..." Sam said but gets cut off my Robbie

"Oh Sam this is my friend Beck. Beck how pretty is my new friend Sam?" Robbie asked

"Yeah she's beautiful." Beck said

"Well this is weird." Sam said

"So's your family, get used to it." Freddie said

"You make a point." Sam says

"When did you get here?" Freddie asked

"This morning." Sam replied

"Yep we've been hanging all day." Robbie added

"So you've been in town all day long and did not even bother telling me?" Freddie asked

"I was going to but..." Sam says but Robbie cuts Sam off again

"Oh Sam we're going to be late for our tour." Robbie said

"Let's get going." Sam said

"What tour?" Beck asked

"I'm taking Sam on a tour to L.A. so she can poke some weirdos." Robbie said

"You guys want to come with us?" Sam asked

"No thanks they're good." Robbie says

"Okay whatever" Sam says

As Robbie and Sam leave, Freddie and Beck sits down at their booth

"Can you believe Robbie?" Freddie asked

"No he's always loved tours." Beck said

"I mean he's been jealous that you and I have been hanging out a lot, so he called my friend Sam to make me jealous." Freddie said

"Well I don't like taking sides." Beck said

"Come on, how do I get even with Robbie for stealing my friend Sam?" Freddie asked

"Okay, based on your relationship with her, I'm getting a huge feeling that you and Sam used to date." Beck replied

"Yeah for 4 or 5 weeks." Freddie said

"Well since Robbie is cruising around with your ex girlfriend." Beck says

"Yeah?" Freddie asked

Beck takes out his phone and shows Freddie a picture of Cat Valentine

"You make a date with this chick. Her name is Cat and Robbie's had a crush on her since at least 2008." Beck said

"Her?" Freddie asked

"Yes but she can be bipolar." Beck adds

Scene cuts to Sam and Robbie walking back to Robbie's apartment

"Man that was a great tour." Robbie said

"I had fun poking those hobos." Sam said

"So how did you guys get the name iCarly for the web show?" Robbie asked

"Well Freddie was the one who came up with the name and we all liked it so..." Sam says but Robbie cuts her off again

"Shh!" Robbie yelled

Robbie hears a familiar voice inside his apartment

"What?" Sam asks

"Shh! That sounds like..." Robbie said

Robbie opens the door and inside his apartment he sees his friend Cat Valentine (from Victorious) as the audience cheers

"I think you're swell." Cat sings

"CAT VALENTINE!" Robbie yelled which scares Cat

"Oh Robbie you're home. Uh Cat was just singing me a song you wrote for her called..." Freddie said but gets cut off by Robbie

"I know what it is!" Robbie yelled

"Robbie?" Cat asks

"Cat when I sang you that song over a year ago, I only sung it to you!" Robbie yelled

"Well now she's singing it to me." Freddie said

"My family is weird." Sam says

"Why did you call Cat and invite her here?" Robbie asked

"Well why did you invite Sam?" Freddie asked

"Cat's in love with me!" Robbie yelled

"So Sam's in love with me." Freddie says

"Okay if you're still in love with Freddie then why in the world have you been running around L.A. fa-doodling with Robbie?" Cat asked

"Okay I did not fa-doodle with Robbie." Sam says

"Well you could have if you wanted too!" Robbie yelled

"Freddie why are you even mad at me?" Sam asked

"Cause you came to Los Angeles and all you cared about was hanging with Robbie!" Freddie replied

"I came here cause I thought you got run over again!" Sam yelled

"Okay I don't understand any of this." Cat said

"Well let me help you understand. We're just being used." Sam said as she crosses her arms and starring at Freddie and Robbie

"Freddie did you really use me?" Cat asked

"A little." Freddie said

"How could you?" Cat asked

"You know none of this would be happening if you hadn't stolen Beck from me!" Robbie yelled

"Well what kind of friend are you? Bringing Sam here and flirting with her when you know she's the only girl I ever loved." Freddie states

"Huh?" Sam asked

"Yeah I was never in love with Carly. I was always in love with you but was too scared to admit it." Freddie said

Beck walks in with another problem

"Okay listen to this!" Beck said

"Oh let me guess Beck! You got a big problem don't you? I bet you have a big fat problem!" Robbie yelled

"Yes I do cause I won stupid tuna from Canada that I didn't even want, can't sell them and now I don't have anyone to jump it." Beck said

"That guy has amazing hair." Sam said

"Wait you told me you got someone to jump it." Freddie says

"I did but now he backed out cause it turns out tuna fish from Canada are dangerous and poisonous. I'm in jeopardy here." Beck said

"No you're not. Cause I'm going to jump it." Freddie says

"Yes." Beck whispers

"You promised me you wouldn't." Robbie said

"Oh what do you care? You couldn't like me enough if you're just going to flirt with my ex girlfriend in front of my face." Freddie says

"Well you flirted with Cat in front of my face!" Robbie yelled

"Oh you mean like this?" Freddie asked

Freddie grabs Cat and makes out with her for 10 seconds shocking everyone

"Freddie!" Sam yelled

"Mmh that was some tasty Cat." Freddie said

"Okay fine! Jump the stupid tuna! Robbie yelled

"Hang on that seems dangerous even for me." Sam said

"It is. And I don't give a darn what happens to you." Robbie said

Robbie runs off to his room

"Freddie I..." Sam says but gets cut off by Freddie

"Oh go check on your new boyfriend Robbie!" Freddie yelled

"Dude." Sam said

"Beck I'll jump the tuna but find me a dirt bike okay." Freddie says

"Okay." Beck said

Beck leaves to go get Freddie's bike as Freddie walks out the other door leaving Sam & Cat by themselves wondering what just happened

"What just happened?" Cat asked

"Clearly they have issues." Sam replied

On the night of the jump, Robbie is cutting pizza and Freddie is putting a suit on

Robbie blows a raspberry at Freddie with Freddie growling back

Freddie sees that Robbie has cut his pizza into square pizza

"You cut the pizza into squares!" Freddie yelled

"I know what shape I did. I took Geometry!" Robbie yelled

"You know I only eat triangle pizza." Freddie said

"Then go ask your new best friends Beck and Cat to cut your pizza for you from now on!" Robbie yelled

"Okay messing with my pizza is crossing the line!" Freddie says

"Eat the pizza or starve! I couldn't care less!" Robbie yelled

Beck walks in

"Freddie I have a surprise for you." Beck said

Beck shows Freddie his dirt bike

"You got me my dirt bike?" Freddie asked

"Uh huh. My layer wants you to sign this contract." Beck says

"What's it for?" Freddie asked

"It's for in case your stunt goes wrong. Like if you get hurt, you won't sue for your injuries." Beck said

"Alright I'll sign." Freddie said

"Stop it! You are not jumping that tank!" Robbie yelled

"Who asked you?" Freddie asked

"I'll meet you at the jump in 1 hour." Beck says

Beck walks out of the apartment

"Freddie I don't want you jumping that tuna." Robbie says

"And this is coming from the guy who said he doesn't care what happens to me?" Freddie asked

"Well you stole my friend Beck and kissed my kind of girlfriend on her lips. And you called her tasty." Robbie says

"Well she has tasty lips." Freddie said

"I know, I kissed her." Robbie says

"Whatever I need to find my gloves. I put them somewhere in the closet. Can you help me look please?" Freddie asked

Robbie shoves Freddie in the closet and locks the door

"Robbie let me out!" Freddie yelled

"No you're a crazy person." Robbie replied

"Come on I have to jump the tuna." Freddie says

"Oh you'll jump it alright." Robbie said

Robbie runs to his room as the scene cuts to Beck at his ticket booth with Sam and Cat walking up to him

"Hi Beck!" Cat says

"Oh hi Cat." Beck said

"You remember Sam right?" Cat asked

"Sup Oliver." Sam says

"Yes I remember her." Beck replies to Cat

"We've been hanging out all day long." Cat says

"Uh huh. She reminds me of my friend Carly." Sam said

"Hey if we combine our names, we get Cam." Cat says

"Yeah we can't be Cam." Sam said

"Why not?" Cat asked

"That's my pairing name for me and Carly." Sam replied

"Oh. Well maybe Puckentine." Cat says

"I like it." Sam says

Just then Cat's friend Trina Vega (from Victorious) shows up as the audience cheers

"Hi Cat." Trina said

"Oh hi Trina." Cat said

"Why's Trina here?" Beck asked

"I invited her to watch the tuna jump." Cat replied

"Yeah I want to see the tuna jump." Trina says

"Oh darn it looks like we're out of tickets." Beck said

"Can't you let us in for free?" Sam asked

"I would but I can't." Beck says

Sam glares at him for 5 seconds

"Okay you can go in." Beck said

"Thanks Beck." Trina says

Trina, Sam and Cat enter

"That girl is more scary than Jade." Beck said

"Hey we can sit up there on that stage light." Sam says

"Trina want to sit up there with me and Sam?" Cat asked

"No thanks. I don't do heights." Trina says

"Suit yourself." Sam said

Back at Freddie and Robbie's apartment, Robbie has put a suit on and is holding a plate of pizza

"Robbie I have to jump the tuna in 10 minutes. And there's no food in this closet." Freddie says

"I'm sliding some pizza under the door." Robbie says

Robbie slides the pizza under the door

"Ahh squared!" Freddie yelled

"Okay I'll be back to jump the tuna." Robbie said

"You're gonna get hurt." Freddie says

"Then it's what I'll get for saving a friend for doing something stupid." Robbie said

"But you're doing something stupid." Freddie says

"Wouldn't be the first time." Robbie says

"People think it's me jumping the tuna." Freddie said

"Yeah and I put a suit and mask on." Robbie says

"Uh we don't have the same bodies." Freddie said

"We'll see. I'll let you out after I jump the tank." Robbie said

Robbie leaves to go jump the tuna

Scene cuts back to Sam and Cat

"Man we're really high up." Cat says

"Yeah that's great." Sam said all worried

"Hey what's wrong?" Cat asked

"Well I love... I mean I really like Freddie a lot and I don't want to see him getting hurt and taken to the hospital again." Sam replied

"Aw that's sweet." Cat says

"Yeah don't call me sweet alright." Sam said

Robbie's grandma is entering the bleachers

"Excuse me. I'm gonna watch my grandson's roommate jump the tuna." Mrs. Shapiro said

Robbie's grandma sits down at a seat and sees Sam and Cat standing on the stage light

"Why did Robbie invite that red head girl? And why is she and that blonde girl standing on that stage light?" Mrs. Shapiro asked

Robbie arrives on Freddie's bike and is suddenly chasing Trina

"There's Freddie." Cat said

"Stop chasing me!" Trina yelled

"Why's he chasing your friend Trina?" Sam asked

"I don't know but I'm glad a guy is finally 'chasing after her'." Cat jokingly says

"Hey Freddie you ready?" Beck asked

"Uh yes. I'm Freddie. I always forget the 1 when counting down from 5." Robbie says in Freddie's voice

"Uh whatever." Beck said

At the apartment

"Hello? Robbie? Beck? Anyone? (Freddie bangs on the door) I'm out of pizza! Okay that's it!" Freddie yelled

Freddie kicks down the door

"Wow it worked. I got to stop Robbie." Freddie says

Freddie puts on his bike helmet, gets on his bike and peddles off to save his friend

Back at the tuna jump

"Okay drum roll please!" Beck yelled

A guy starts playing a drum

"In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" Everyone yells

"Be careful Freddie!" Sam yelled

Robbie starts the bike as Freddie arrives in time

"Robbie no!" Freddie yelled

Robbie drives off

"Robbie!" Freddie yelled

"Here he comes. He's gonna..." Beck says

Robbie falls off the bike which hits a stage light causing Sam and Cat to fall in

Freddie runs up to Robbie

"Robbie why would you do that? You can't ride a dirk bike." Freddie says

"I wanted to protect you." Robbie replied

"Oh kid." Freddie says

Everyone sees Sam and Cat in the tank

"Someone get those girls out of the water!" Mrs. Shapiro yelled

"Well you two going to stand there? Save them!" Trina yelled

"I'm not going in there." Robbie says

"Stand back." Freddie said

Freddie jumps in the tank and grabs Sam and Cat's arms

"What do you think you're doing Fredbag?" Sam asked

"I'm saving your guys's life! What's it look like I'm doing!" Freddie yelled

Freddie comes out of the tank with Sam and Cat as everyone cheers

"Are you guys okay?" Trina asked

"Do we look okay?!" Cat replied

"Trina go call an ambulance." Beck said

"Kay Kay." Trina says

"Hey that's my line." Cat said

Scene cuts to the hospital where Sam and Cat are badly injured

"You know Cat's pretty sweet and all but she's too bubbly to me." Freddie says

"And Sam not my type." Robbie says

"Uh can you guys not talk about that right in front of us?" Cat asked

"Yeah it's completely unnecessary." Sam said

"Fine we'll talk about you behind your backs." Robbie said

"Oh hey Puckett." Freddie says

"What?" Sam asked

"When you get healed up, hit me up and let's go out together and have some fun." Freddie says

"Okay that sounds like a plan." Sam said

"Also I took $60 out of your purse." Freddie said

"You did what!" Sam yelled

"Hey Robbie when I heal up, you wanna go on a date? Just us?" Cat asked

"Sure and yes there will be meatballs." Robbie said

Freddie and Robbie walk out of the hospital room

Outside the hospital room

"Did you really take $60 out of her purse?" Robbie asked

"Nah I just did that to mess with her." Freddie replied

Trina and Beck walk up

"Hey." Beck says

"How are they doing?" Trina asked

"Well they're badly injured but should heal up in 2 to 3 weeks." Freddie said

"Some week this has been." Beck said

"Would any of this had ever happened if Beck never won those stupid fish?" Robbie asked

"Probably not." Trina replied

Back in the hospital room, Sam and Cat are having a similar dialogue Freddie, Robbie, Trina and Beck just had

"Man what a week this has been." Sam said

"Yeah. Do you think any of this would have happened if Beck didn't get that tuna fish?" Cat asked

"Probably not." Sam replied

"You're not bad Sam." Cat said

"Neither are you. What'd you say your name was?" Sam asked

"My name is Cat." Cat replied

"Like the animal?" Sam asks

"What's that supposed to mean?" Cat asked

"Nothing I'm sorry. I didn't know that would offend you." Sam replies

"It's cool. When we heal up in about 3 weeks, wanna do a double date? You and Freddie and me and Robbie?" Cat asked

"Sure that'll be nice." Sam replied

"Yay." Cat says

"Man she really does remind me of Carly." Sam said in her thoughts

"This is going to be a long painful 3 weeks." Cat said

"Don't remind me." Sam says

The End

Ending Tagline: "Is he bleeding?" Sam and Ending Tagline: "Mmh that was some tasty Cat." Freddie