"We murdered Del DeVille!" |
#WeStealARockStar |
Season 1, Episode 35 |
General information | |
Air date |
July 12, 2014[1] |
Prod. code |
135[2] |
Writer(s) |
Dan Schneider & Christopher J. Nowak |
Director(s) |
Steve Hoefer |
Viewership |
2.407 million[3] |
Episode guide | |
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#WeStealARockStar[4] is the 35th and the penultimate episode of Sam & Cat.
Sam and Dice are watching Slightly Less Gorgeous. Cat comes in, but Sam and Dice ignore her. Cat wants to know what they are watching. Sam and Dice explain they are watching a show where people make gorgeous people a little less gorgeous. Cat wants to do something fun and Sam suggests freeze tag. Sam tags Cat and puts a blanket over her and walks back to the couch with Dice. Goomer comes in and is wearing a suit. Sam and Dice ignore him while Goomer says he has a job as a bodyguard. Sam and Dice question it and Goomer acts like he didn't mention it and is surprised they are guessing correctly. Sam and Dice finally pay attention to Goomer when he says he is a bodyguard to famous lead singer Del DeVille. Goomer freaks out again and jumps through the window. Sam and Dice go to the store to repair the window and leave Cat with the blanket on her head.
Sam, Cat, and Dice are waiting on a curb for Del DeVille. Goomer and Del DeVille walk over and Goomer offers to get them burritos, but realizes he left his glasses in the car and goes to get them. Tammy, a little girl, rides by and tells Sam, Cat, and Dice to watch her bike while she gets food. Goomer leaves and Sam, Cat, and Dice meet Del DeVille and talk to him. They offer to take a group selfie with Del. Cat ties her balloon to the girl's tricycle and they are about to take the picture when the girl's tricycle flies away because of Cat's balloon. Sam borrows Brody, the fisherman, his spear gun to pop the balloon and send down the tricycle. Sam pops the balloon and the tricycle comes down, hitting Del on the head and making him unconscious. They start to worry and the three grab a wheelbarrow and put Del in it. They wheel him to their apartment. They are worrying Del will wake up and call the cops. Del wakes up and remembers what happened and starts to call the cops, but Sam tackles him and knocks him out again. They cuff Del to Sam's bed and Cat takes Del's shoes.
The next morning, Sam wakes up Del and will not let him go until he completely promises not to call the cops on them. Dice also walks in and reveals he took Del's phone and will not give it back until they let him go. In the kitchen, Dice shows Sam and Cat a video about Del DeVille gone missing. Cat has cooked Del six different kinds of breakfast foods. Sam said she just could've asked him what he wanted. Cat takes the oatmeal to eat in her room. Goomer comes in and is worried about where Del DeVille is since he is his bodyguard. In the bedroom, Cat wants to give Del oatmeal if he promises not to try to escape. Del promises, but then grabs Cat and forces her to let him go and Cat gets away. Sam says to Goomer that maybe Del will text him now saying he's okay and nods to Dice since he has Del's phone. Dice texts on Del's phone and sends a message to Goomer saying he is okay. Goomer is now happy. Later in the bedroom, Del wonders what Cat is doing with a guitar while he is wearing a mask so he won't attack Cat again. Cat says her friend at Hollywood Arts, André Harris, broke his guitar and she is fixing it for him. Cat finishes and tests it out and turns out to be extremely talented on the guitar as she plays a catchy riff. Del is impressed and Cat makes a deal with Del: She lets him use the guitar riff she made up and he won't tell the cops on Sam, Cat, and Dice. Three months later (As implied to the title of the book Sam is reading), Dice shows Sam and Cat a news report about Del having a multi-platinum record and possibly winning a Grammy with a hit song called Chillin' Like DeVillin', ending with a great eight second riff. Another three months later (Again the title of the book Sam is reading) Dice shows Sam and Cat another news report about Del being sued for copying the last eight second riff from another song. That riff was used by Cat and she thought she made it up. The three agree it would be better if they never met him. Cat says but then she would never have his shoes.
Dice: Uh, hey Mr. DeVille. |
Del DeVille: Hey, how are you guys doing? |
Sam: Great! |
Dice: Awesome! |
Cat: I'm a girl! " |
Del DeVille: [taken back] Nice. |
Sam: So, uh, would it be cool if we got a pic with you? |
Del DeVille: Yeah! Sure thing! |
Sam: Hey, you! [approaches Brody] Uh, can I borrow your spear gun? |
Brody: I don't know. Are you a fellow spear fisherman? |
Sam: [imitates Brody] No, no! I am a spear fisherwoman! |
Brody: Oh! Enjoy my spear gun. [hands it over to her] |
Dice: What are you gonna do? |
Sam: Trying to get the bike back! [aims the gun and shoots it] |
Bike: [falls on Del DeVille's head] |
Del DeVille: Oh! [falls down unconscious] |
Cat and Dice: [gasp in horror] |
Brody: Oh well, I'll take this back now. Good day. [walks away] |
Sam, Cat, and Dice: [run to Del DeVille] |
Cat: We murdered Del DeVille! [gasps] |
Sam: [checks his pulse] Nah, he still has a pulse. |
Dice: We're going to get in so much trouble for this! |
Sam: No, we won't! Cat, get that thing right over there. |
Cat: Kay kay! [runs to get it] |
Dice: We gotta tell the police about this! |
Sam: No way, we could get arrested. |
Dice: Well, we gotta tell Goomer! |
Sam: No! He'll freak out and tell on us! |
Cat: I got it! [pushes a wheelbarrow toward them] |
- This is the first episode to air after the premiere anniversary of the show.
- This episode originally aired a day prior to the official cancellation of the series, with the "final" episode #GettinWiggy airing four days thereafter.
- This is the penultimate episode of the series.
- Del's phone is a Samsung Galaxy S3 in a red and black case.
- Del wears the same mask Crazy Steve does in #SuperPsycho.
- The fourth wall is broken twice when Sam reads a book called "3 Months Later" followed by a sequel called "3 Months After That" to show the audience that it's taking place 6 months later.
- At the beginning of the episode, Cat jump ropes in going, "How we doing? How we doing? How we do-o-oing?", which is what the rapper P. Doody said in #TheBritBrats.
- The ending credits scene for this episode is the same one from #TextingCompetition.
- This episode is referred to as "#CoopedUpDeVille" on some websites and in the title card on international airings.
- This episode marks the last of the following:
- Goomer's final appearance, however he appears again in Henry Danger and later in Danger Force.
- The last appearances of Brody and Del DeVille.
- This is the sixth episode where they aren't babysitting. The other five are #ToddlerClimbing #TheKillerTunaJump, #YayDay, #BrainCrush, and #StuckInABox.
- The characters got more aged of 6 months at the end of the episode. So, Dice turned 13, as he states to be 12 and a half in #SecretSafe.
- This episode's plot is similar to the Kenan & Kel episode, "Foul Bull," as both episodes involve the main characters injuring a celebrity. However, in this episode, the celebrity is fake and in the Kenan & Kel episode, the celebrity is real.
- In this episode, Ariana has a photo double (Riann Porto) and a guitar double (Lashette Showers).
- This is the last time Dice appears in Los Angeles, as he's only shown in Phoenix in #GettinWiggy.
- What Cat experiences with the Guitar Riff is an example of Cyrptomnesia. Cyrptomnesia is when you create something thought as original, but is stolen from a forgotten memory. In many cases, including Cat's, this will lead unintentional plagiarism.
- The girl "Valarie" that was shown in "Slightly Less Gorgeous" is the same girl that played "Tara" in the Victorious episode "Freak The Freak Out." The actress being Jamie Snow who also was a regular on The Amanda Show as Tammy of the Girl's Room sketch.
- For unknown reasons, this episode was originally absent on Paramount Plus, along with two other episodes which include KnockOut and GettinWiggy. However, on January 2022, this episode along with #KnockOut were added to a few months later.
- Sam makes a reference to the song "Great Balls of Fire" by Jerry Lee Lewis.
Character revelations[]
- Cat is good at repairing and playing guitars.
- Cat believes in bad luck.
- It is shown that Cat can repair guitars, but in the Victorious episode, "Andre's Horrible Girl", Jade West breaks a guitar, but she doesn't show to be able to fix it.
- She probably learned from the events.
- When Sam unlocked one of Del DeVille's hands, he could have used that hand to unlock the other hand and then escape.
- However that would have been hard.
- For some reason, Del doesn't recognize Sam and Cat as being the ones who brought Clarice Drange to his concert in #DollSitting.
- However he may have forgotten about that since he was too freaked out about the doll.
- When Cat realizes she should've just asked Del what breakfast he wanted, she calls herself stupid. However, in #BabysittingCommercial, she believed that the word "stupid" was a compliment and meant "good" but probably learned its true meaning after that.
- Sam, Cat and Dice technically kidnapped Del DeVille so they would have been arrested for kidnapping. Fortunately for them, they didn't get in trouble.
Running gags[]
- Goomer throws himself out a window like Bubs Dixon in #KnockOut
Series continuity[]
- André Harris from Victorious is mentioned by Cat in this episode.
- Hollywood Arts also mentioned in this episode.
- This is the last episode to mention Hollywood Arts.
- Del DeVille from #DollSitting returns.
- This is the third appearance of Brody.
International premieres[]
- November 21, 2014 (UK & Ireland)
v • e • dEpisodes |
#Pilot • #FavoriteShow • #TheBritBrats • #NewGoat • #TextingCompetition • #BabysitterWar • #GoomerSitting • #ToddlerClimbing • #MommaGoomer • #BabysittingCommercial • #RevengeOfTheBritBrats • #MotorcycleMystery • #SecretSafe • #OscarTheOuch • #DollSitting • #PeezyB • #SalmonCat • #Twinfection • #MyPoober • #MadAboutShoe • #MagicATM • #Lumpatious • #TheKillerTunaJump • #YayDay • #BrainCrush • #BlueDogSoda • #BlooperEpisode • #FresnoGirl • #StuckInABox • #SuperPsycho • #DroneBabyDrone • #FirstClassProblems • #KnockOut • #WeStealARockStar • #GettinWiggy |